created by duskdragyn

Because gifs are fun

  • Comments
  • No, its completely obvious shes a sex doll.....thats strapped.....and....tied...down.....OR dead! And rigamortis has happened and her head is just going into an autonomous spasm?.........overthinking sucks....

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  • Stuff like fingers, toes, ears and mouth move, but everything else just stays still even though they have massive dildo being showed into them at massive speed and depth.

    You can't just move couple minor details between frames or it will look insanely weird. Stuff that is touching other stuff, should have some level of effect between the stuff based on what the stuff is. Anthro body is most likely made out of flesh instead of rock, meaning that it will move as whole from the impact instead of keeping in place. Even if there was massive amount of lube and they didn't have internals, they would still have slight impact.

    Also no idea what's the point with watermark.

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  • Thanks for feedback! I'm experimenting with gif making and would like to improve!
    And Yeah lots of people don't like the massive belly-bulge stuff, it's kind of a fetish. I'll make some less crazy ones, haha.

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  • DuskDragyn said:
    Thanks for feedback! I'm experimenting with gif making and would like to improve!
    And Yeah lots of people don't like the massive belly-bulge stuff, it's kind of a fetish. I'll make some less crazy ones, haha.

    I'm pretty certain downvotes were from how relatively low the gif is in quality. If you took mario69's criticisms in mind and made another gif with higher quality, same settings, same fetish it would have normal ratings.

    Also internal organ jokes are just that, jokes. Don't over think it, it's not an actual problem if that's the point of a fetish.

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  • mairo said:
    Stuff like fingers, toes, ears and mouth move, but everything else just stays still even though they have massive dildo being showed into them at massive speed and depth.

    You can't just move couple minor details between frames or it will look insanely weird. Stuff that is touching other stuff, should have some level of effect between the stuff based on what the stuff is. Anthro body is most likely made out of flesh instead of rock, meaning that it will move as whole from the impact instead of keeping in place. Even if there was massive amount of lube and they didn't have internals, they would still have slight impact.

    Also no idea what's the point with watermark.

    Maybe they haven't invented the laws of motion in that universe yet?

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