fapp created by oddbird
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The Patreon campaign for Fapp: Hyper Space is underway!

And on each Friday until we launch, I'll be posting a sneak preview of what you can expect to see in the expansion! if you want get yourself or your ideas drawn in the book, or snag yourself a copy of the book itself, head on over to our Patreon and help support this crazy mess!

Check out the Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/Kah

Today's art courtesy of Slug!


In the wake of the Fappening, even mushrooms started to get horny. Among the many strange and grotesque life-forms that bloomed from the dense fungal patches around the universe, Grackledogs are one of the most advanced, having evolved anatomy that closely resembles a conventional animal. Unlike those beasts they mimic, however, Grackledogs are driven by much simpler, baser instincts and not capable of higher forms of thought and reason.

These fungal fiends live only to breed, utilizing the squamous, writhing nodules along their head and back that emit a strange ‘grackling’ noise as a form of echolocation, in concert with their acute senses of smell, to locate creatures they can track down and fill with their steaming seed. The grotesque, drooling beasts will stop at nothing to reach their quarry, even to the detriment to their own health. Thankfully, they lack even the basic intelligence of beasts, and can be thwarted with sufficiently-strong barricades or traps.

In the absence of anything to fuck, Grackledogs stand eerily motionless, conserving energy as their squirming nodules scan for any signs of prey. They can apparently sustain themselves for years in this dormant state due to how efficiently their anatomy has developed.

  • Comments
  • "In the absence of anything to fuck, Grackledogs stand eerily motionless, conserving energy as their squirming nodules scan for any signs of prey. They can apparently sustain themselves for years in this dormant state due to how efficiently their anatomy has developed."

    I can just imagine someone observing a grackledog for years in a secluded area
    until they accidentally release it.


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