bob, drudgegut, galdon, and krystal (nintendo and etc) created by yawg
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This is it: the final two pages.
They have been a LONG TIME COMING, and in more ways than one. There's a story on the next page, but I'll tl;dr it here for you: the day after finishing this page, I got laid up with the second-worst pain I've experienced in my life for a solid month. Which delayed things a bit, because I just could not THINK. So I guess that was the universe not wanting me to finish LoJR either.

Well, too bad cosmos.

Actually, I'm writing this preamble on the penultimate page, so I should probably save the rest of this yammering for the next page, when they all get eaten by a giant tarrasque (spoilers).

  • Comments
  • So we've gone from we've found her, seggs happend and trying to escape to just escape and krystal's fine? I'm so confused.

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