henri and rose created by ferobird
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At first the heron was apprehensive, his already fragile confidence in shambles before a mighty martial eagle on her back, beckoning him to mount. He wearily obliged as the sharp taloned feet wrapped around him and pulled him close against her warm female fluff. It took some encouragement and gentle guidance to get him going, but soon enough they were wrapped in intense interspecies lovemaking.

He'd still need some more training, but conquering a fierce bird of prey had given Henri quite a notch underneath his heron belt.


This was a fun little gift piece for Bombird of his heron Henri and my Rose. They've certainly had some fun as anthros before as seen here but I thought it'd be fun to draw them as feral also. First time drawing a heron too and I'm pretty pleased how that turned out! He looks handsome even if I do say so myself. There'll certainly be more of these two in the future as I quite like the pairing! Plus I am getting a bit faster with this kind of style, only took me 8,5 hours which to me is pretty good time.

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