klonoa and miles prower (sonic the hedgehog (series) and etc) created by slimefur
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How To Make The Perfect Toy 04

Pic: slimefur
Text: Mizuhiro
And with the guest appearance of Ravi

    • Arriving in the classroom, you see Pr Prower sitting at his desk reading notes and sipping a mug of coffee. **

Hum! Oh! Hello there, dear student! Is it time already? My apologies, I was lost in my notes because today we gonna start the most important lesson in toy making. This lesson is so important, that I'll have to split it into three parts. Let's begin with the first one, shall we?

In our previous lessons, if you remember correctly, we studied about the toy's physical training. It is indeed important but not as important as the mind training. The mind training is split into three parts: the taming which takes from a week to six months on average, the breaking which takes around a month to be complete, and the nonreturn point, but we'll study those last two later.

Let's focus on the taming. The taming is when you start to make your toy more obedient, more willing to satisfy and please your will, but don't be fooled, the obedience of your toy doesn't necessarily mean your toy lost hope of escaping.

NEVER, EVER let go of your toy at that point. Because, if you do, there is a high chance he'll try to escape. About 75% if I have to give you a number. The fact that your toy submitted is only in appearance. In this state, the toy will submit only to avoid punishment, not because he likes or wants it. Our job is to make them submit willingly. I repeat myself but you have to carve in your mind that, in this step, the submission is unwilled.

So the question is: How do we tame a wild and disobedient toy into unwilling obedience?

The point here is to twist the toy's mind and make his mind sink into agony and despair. Then you have to become the only person who can release him from his sorrow. To be simple: To tame your toy, you first have to make it need you. You have to be the only living being who has the power to stop the toy's agony. So you'll ask: How to do it? How can we make the toy need us? How can we twist our toy's mind?

The answer is simple: Through denial! To turn a person into a sex toy, you have to create in that person an uncontrollable urge for sex. Of course, we give some drugs to our toys for doing that but at some point drugs become dangerous for the toys. It's perfect for a kickstart but, now that our toy's system is filled with the drug, you have to use other ways. Denial is the most perfect way I can imagine to make someone need sex.

When you deprive someone of cumming, you may think: "Meh! It's no big deal and also counter-productive since the toys didn't want to cum or have sex anyway"

You'll be terribly wrong. When you deprive someone of something, that person will do anything to have it back. Now imagine you deprive your toy of cumming while you tease it over and over, non-stop for six whole months. The incessant teasing will drive him insane. His cock will be so hard and his balls so desperately full it will be a complete torture. It will be so unbearable that, at some point, something will snap and he'll start begging for release. Trust me. If you deprive your toy of cumming for 6 whole months, he'll do anything for that torture to stop! Anything!

That anything is the most important because, after that, you'll have to use that desire to twist your toy's mind so much they'll break and, when they're broken, you'll have to make sure their mind stays broken. Let me show you how you do it.

Mind-taming session first day:

Resilience: 90%
Health: 50% (A massive drug dose has been injected in the subject genitals.)
Mental stability: 75% (Hope to be saved remains in the subject mind.)
Submission: 10% (Light fear of me.)
Sexual exhaustion: 0% (The subject had plenty of rest.)

**Side note: The subject is starting mind taming today so his mouth will be gaged until we notice some evolution in his behavior. The subject's genitals nicely grew to the optimal size. However, the huge amount of drugs used to do so caused some damage to his health. In order to prevent the toy from getting sick, no drug or cum feeding until further notice.**

Tails: Ok! Is the toy ready for the mind training, my dear assistant?
Ravi: Yes, professor!
Tails: Check the restraints, please!
Ravi: Restraints checked, professor!
Klonoa: Hmmmmhhhhggghhmmmmrrrrhmmmhmh!!!
Tails: You know, the more you struggle, the more unpleasant it will be! Look how nice and swollen your balls are! Your cock grew nicely too! Remember when you ordered me to stop? When you keep struggling and make me waste my coffee breaks?

**Side note: The subject stared at me with a fearful look! That's encouraging**

Ravi: That's indeed not good toy behavior, sir!
Tails: Prepare the denial tools! I want a cock denial ring and a urethral buzzing bead that matches the size of this glorious masterpiece!

**Side note: The subject's genitals are as smooth and squishy as marshmallows are.**

Mind taming session week one:

Resilience: 70% (One week tortured nonstop with denial.)
Health: 65% (Recovery from massive drug dose slowed down by the mind taming.)
Mental stability: 65% (Subject's mind is starting to weaken.)
Submission: 20% (The subject watched me with begging eyes today.)
Sexual exhaustion: -100% (The subject has been denied to cum for a whole week.)

**Side note: The subject's testicles grow at a delightful rate although, with his never-ending struggle, it is hard for him to fully recover from the massive drug injection.**

Tails: Aren't you tired of struggling? How long have you been here? If your friends truly cared about you, don't you think they'd be here by now?
Klonoa: HHhmmhmhmmmghhmmmmMMMMMMRRRRRRRRRR!
Tails: Oh my! Aren't you a dumb, stubborn toy! Assistant!
Ravi: Yes sir!
Tails: Increase the urethral bead buzzing speed and take some more toys to play with the subject! Show me where to put the toys for maximum effect.

**Side note: My assistant put the buzzing devices in the right places but he took a bit too much time to do it. Worth a A-. He's one of my best students so far but lacks experience. I must involve him more to build his experience.**

Tails: Tighten up those bonds! Don't let him loose too much, it is important to not let him cum a single drop.
Ravi: Yes, Sir!

Mind taming session Month one:

Resilience: 50% (One month tortured nonstop with denial.)
Health: 75% (Recovering from massive drug dose slowed down by the mind taming.)
Mental stability: 45% (Subject's mind is starting to go slightly insane.)
Submission: 35% (The subject cries every time he sees me! He stopped struggling. Removing the mouth gag today to do a more accurate psychological study.)
Sexual exhaustion: -100% (The subject has been denied to cum for a whole month.)

Tails: Sooo... How are we today

    • Side note: The subject is crying. **

Klonoa: *Sob* Please! *sigh* Let me go *sob* I beg you!
Tails: Oh! You poor little thing! You still don't get it!? You'll never go! Don't worry! I'll tame you until you beg me to stay here!
Klonoa: No! *Sob* *Pathetic crying noises* Please! Please let me go! I'm begging you Pl- MMMMhhhhghgMgmgmmhhh!
Tails: There! There! Seems you need this a little bit longer! Assistant!
Ravi: Yes, Sir!
Tails: Fetch me the naughtiest buzzing dildo you can find! We're gonna treat our subject's tailhole today!
Ravi: Aye aye, Sir!

**Side note: My assistant has good taste in dildos. A+ for dildo choices.**

Mind taming session Month three:

Resilience: 25% (Three months tortured nonstop with denial.)
Health: 85% (Recovered from massive drug dose. We gave him some more to make his genitals grow a bit more.)
Mental stability: 33% (Subject's mind is starting to go insane.)
Submission: 50% (The subject begged me over and over and started to shut up when I told him to do so but the submission is fake so I think it's around 70%. Today's test will set an accurate number.)
Sexual exhaustion: -100% (The subject has been denied cum for three months.)

Tails: Oh my gosh! Your balls are so huge!

**Side notes: When I put my ear on one of these huge balls, I can hear the cum glurping inside, so desperate to come out.**

Klonoa: Please! I can't take it anymore! P-
Tails: Ahahah! Tsk tsk tsk! How does a good toy ask for something?
Klonoa: .......... (Quick note: The subject cried a little.)
Tails: Come on! Unless you want me to extend your punishment for another month, you have to say it.
Klonoa: P-Please, Master! I've... I've been a good kitten!
Tails: What do you say, my dear assistant?
Ravi: I don't know, Professor. It seems sincere!
*Tails gently slaps the back of his head.*
Tails: What did I say? Always... Always...?
Ravi: Always take the maximum precaution with a hero!
Tails: That's right! And that's why we have to wait much longer than this!
Klonoa: What! No, wait! Please! I'm so on the edge, you can't do that to me! Fuck! FUCK! FUCK YOU! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!! YOU MMMGHMMGHmhgmhmgghmghmmh!
Tails: See!? At this point, the submission starts to kick in but... Buuuuuut...???
Ravi: But the subject fakes it in order to get release and stop his suffering!
Tails: You have to practice more on your judgment, dear student!

    • Side note: Ravi's judgment C-**

Mind-taming session last day :

Resilience : 0% (It's been 122 days that the subject has been tortured with denial. His body can no longer resist climax.)
Health: 75% (Subject's balls are about to explode.)
Mental stability: 20% (The subject almost lost his mind.)
Submission: 55% (For real this time.)
Sexual exhaustion: -100% (The subject has been denied to cum for 122 days.)

Tails: So, let's see how my dear toy is doing today.
**Side note: The subject watched me with tear-filled, begging eyes.**
Klonoa: P-Please! Master! 0808 begging you! 0808 will do anything to cum! Please! Please!
Tails: If you want to cum so bad, I'll release you!
Klonoa: Please, Master! Please!
Tails: But first, you'll have to be a good toy and suck my foxy dick! And swallow everything I give you without losing a drop of it.

**Side note: The toy greedily opened his mouth, panting in anticipation. He started to suck me good. When I finally came, he couldn't stop slurping my seed. He's ready for the next step.**

Tails: Whew! Oh! I needed that! You suck like a pro, my little toy! Ok, you deserve a sweet sweet release! Assistant! Prepare the next room for N°0808 and some tanks to collect all the semen that will come out!
Ravi: Aye sir!

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