created by bsting
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There is a Spanish fellow who likes my work. I like his work to and he draws tirelessly to satisfy people, but greedy people abused his requests and art trades, making him a bit more cautious. Even then, he and I still enjoy each other's work and he often tells me he wants to make something for me. Well, I preemptively made something for his OC. Enjoy.

  • Comments
  • DerekSamu2ai123354 said:
    This Ain't bad at all

    Thanks. I'm not a good artist, I'm happy to know I'm improving. However, people don't like my stuff mostly for the subject matter. It's what prompted me to get away from drawing again...

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  • BSting said:
    Thanks. I'm not a good artist, I'm happy to know I'm improving. However, people don't like my stuff mostly for the subject matter. It's what prompted me to get away from drawing again...

    Yooo! The B is back! Was wondering where you'd got to.
    And don't put yourself down like that. You're a dang good artist, and if it's what you love, do it. I've learned on here that 'people' don't like anything. I can see from this you've got admirers and I think even a few imitators, so to hell with the rest. Keep doing that thing you do, man.

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  • GarethGobulcoque said:
    Yooo! The B is back! Was wondering where you'd got to.
    And don't put yourself down like that. You're a dang good artist, and if it's what you love, do it. I've learned on here that 'people' don't like anything. I can see from this you've got admirers and I think even a few imitators, so to hell with the rest. Keep doing that thing you do, man.

    I saw your comments on that one bee picture asking what happened to me. I've been more focus on my biggest dream. Something people like me for. It was more appealing than making artwork about something that almost immediately got dismissed, so you can understand my long absence. Plus, I wanted to thank somebody from FA who actually likes me and what I do, so I drew this in response. I'd be a little more active if I had more friends that liked me for who I was.

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  • BSting said:
    I saw your comments on that one bee picture asking what happened to me. I've been more focus on my biggest dream. Something people like me for. It was more appealing than making artwork about something that almost immediately got dismissed, so you can understand my long absence. Plus, I wanted to thank somebody from FA who actually likes me and what I do, so I drew this in response. I'd be a little more active if I had more friends that liked me for who I was.

    Well for what it's worth, I respect your fetish. It doesn't quite "do it" for me personally, but it gets oddly close. There's some aspects that I find appealing. I'd never even heard of it as a fetish until e621 though, so I think it just suffers from not being in vogue. A lot of fetishes seem strange the first time you run into them, but given a chance many of them grow on people and become secret favorites. People used to think dog cocks were freaky and now look at how many people admit they love those knots on every species imaginable. lol. Anyways, I've never seen anything shameful or negative about having a stinging fetish. And I've always thought it was a shame that it was something you were made to feel bad about. All of sex is weird to someone. But it's also hot to someone else. And you even draw and commission your fetish so that there's more out there for everyone. I honestly think that's awesome. I think sometimes, you've got to do a little bit for yourself as well as things for everyone else. So don't let it stop you from loving what you love and drawing some stung butts when the urge strikes.

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  • furrypickle said:
    Well for what it's worth, I respect your fetish. It doesn't quite "do it" for me personally, but it gets oddly close. There's some aspects that I find appealing. I'd never even heard of it as a fetish until e621 though, so I think it just suffers from not being in vogue. A lot of fetishes seem strange the first time you run into them, but given a chance many of them grow on people and become secret favorites. People used to think dog cocks were freaky and now look at how many people admit they love those knots on every species imaginable. lol. Anyways, I've never seen anything shameful or negative about having a stinging fetish. And I've always thought it was a shame that it was something you were made to feel bad about. All of sex is weird to someone. But it's also hot to someone else. And you even draw and commission your fetish so that there's more out there for everyone. I honestly think that's awesome. I think sometimes, you've got to do a little bit for yourself as well as things for everyone else. So don't let it stop you from loving what you love and drawing some stung butts when the urge strikes.

    Oh, I'm sure I'll be back to drawing stuff when the urges become too strong. I'm not the kind of guy to leave something unique behind. Thanks for the kind words, BTW. I think maybe I should give another try...

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  • BSting said:
    I saw your comments on that one bee picture asking what happened to me. I've been more focus on my biggest dream. Something people like me for. It was more appealing than making artwork about something that almost immediately got dismissed, so you can understand my long absence. Plus, I wanted to thank somebody from FA who actually likes me and what I do, so I drew this in response. I'd be a little more active if I had more friends that liked me for who I was.

    Well, since I'm just a snarky text window on the internet and I only know you by what you've put up here, I can't really offer more than encouragement on that front. Whatever you end up doing, whether I see it or not, I hope it ends up making you happy.

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  • BSting said:
    Thanks. I'm not a good artist, I'm happy to know I'm improving. However, people don't like my stuff mostly for the subject matter. It's what prompted me to get away from drawing again...

    It's awesome

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