created by alekthebeasty
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Description of original submission:
"One day I was pondering on the though how alot of small helpless animals get taken advantage of by larger preds such as snakes, and I was like "Hey!, role reversal???" and that is how this piece came to be. It's the easy steps to stay alive inside of a snake for as long as possible to at least enjoy some of the moments spent with one another. All you need is a tube (preferably thick enough to not be clogged with saliva and moisture from exhaling and inhaling) and an assistant willing to watch and help out with the procedure, making sure you are safe inside every step of the way. Also there will be a need for a snake in which will swallow the prey feet first, if you can find one of these, you are set my friend. It's a good idea not to be suffocated to death as well before this experiment or the whole thing will just be useless :P. Well I hope you will all enjoy and please comment! :D"

  • Comments
  • Apparently National Geographic were, at one point, going to do a show that was pretty much exactly this. Snakes are known to not bother killing their prey if said prey isn't putting up a fight, so the idea was to have a guy eaten and then regurgitated. Why...? I'm really struggling to think of a reason that isn't just 'vore fetishists'.

    The show was canned, not because it's stupid and the guy could potentially die, but because it'd be a traumatic experience for the snake (they only relinquish their meal if they're freaked out to the point of needing to escape really quickly).

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  • Actually Discovery did a show and lied bald-faced about the ending right up until it played, claiming the guy actually got eaten. Neeefless to say, the snake barely nibbled the guy's head.

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  • I would love to be in that husky's place <3

    I have no clue if that snake there can even regurgitate its prey, but I'd be willing to go find that out myself by just giving it a try. After all, it makes the whole thing more exciting and thrilling, not knowing if you would be let out alive or if you would get to fully "enjoy" the stomach of the snake the way nature intended it to do its job.

    I'd also want to try to stay in the snake as long as possible, getting to feel the digestion process slowly ramping up to full throttle, stomach fluids seeping into my fur and making my body slowly itch and burn. I'd definitely try to be a good preything and suppress my struggles as it gets more and more uncomfortable in the snake's stomach, rooting for reaching a new record time of not struggling while being alive in such a deadly chamber.
    I just hope that I won't pass out in there and also have enough energy left to be able to somehow signal someone outside to get the snake to regurgitate me when the digestion process has become unbearable, providing that that individual outside won't have fallen asleep or simply left me to stay in the snake, maybe even forgetting I was in there digesting away while they do something else, or maybe they would even be turning on the heating pad underneath the snake enclosure to aid with the snake digesting me alive....

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  • preywolf said:
    I would love to be in that husky's place <3

    Well you better hope the snake doesn't decide to curl up while you're inside. Those animals are strong as fuck, just as flexible and it would probably break your spine at some point.
    But I can see the appeal in your fantasy (even though I personally like the uncertainty aspect of a possibly inescapable situation way more attractive than the vore or digestion part)

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