raili, victor johansen, and viola bat (covid-19 pandemic) created by viola bat
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  • I wish people took this seriously enough to jury rig masks if they lacked one, instead all I see are people with masks finding ways to not wear them despite skyrocketing infection rates.

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  • thedrizzle404 said:
    Ye, really gotta overreact to that 99.98% survival rate for what amounts to a different version of the common cold virus. 10 years from now people will think everyone in this era was retarded for panicking at least a full year over nothing.

    In what world is (aprox) 1.07M only 0.02% of 36.9M? Perhaps you should look for information from credible sources before making grand declarations like that. As it stands Covid-19s spread has been hampered by containment efforts in much of the world, now that people are bored of isolation and we're moving into the cold seasons north of the equator you can already see infection rates skyrocketing. Now to bring up your flu comparison, according to the WHO between 290k-650k deaths from complications related to the flue are reported each year, as you can see Covid-19 has passed 650k within the year with preventative measures being taken.

    Finally as some one who resides with a person with a compromised immune system including respiratory issues, every time you go out and enter a public building maskless you place people like her at risk of death. Covid-19 has an infectious incubation period that averages about 2 weeks but can be as long as 21 days in rare cases, while you may feel fine and think being asked to stand 2 meters back and wear a mask is too much it is the bare minimum you can do to protect others from you.

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  • I'd be interested to see where you're getting your facts, mind sharing the memes that inform you?

    As for the rest of your post, yes we live in a society and in order to keep the most vulnerable members of it safe people have been asked at the minimum to keep distance and wear a mask. If the true measure of any society is how it treats its most vulnerable members, this fuck you got mine attitude many people are displaying is a depressing look into the way our values are being shaped.

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  • thedrizzle404 said:
    99.98% survival rate

    if only 1 in 5K people who get it die and over 220K people in the USA have died from it then over 1,100,000,000 (1.1 billion) people in the USA have been infected.... but that's over 3 times what the USA's population is..

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  • No wonder why you got banned...

    Wear masks and respect the usual hygiene rules, it's not that hard!

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  • I'm the dude who made this comic, how's going?

    I honestly didn't expect the comments regarding this silly comic to go this way. Listen up guys, thanks for the support and I hope you liked it ^^ However I honestly don't see the point of sparking such conversation here. If you wear masks way to go! I hope you stay safe and that by the end of this all you'lll be able to pick yourselves back on your feet! If you still believe that everything regarding covid-19 and the current pandemic is a conspiracy/overacting or anything of the sort, I'm compelled to ask how much free time one has to have to believe that a fucking meme posted in a porn website is the proper place to talk about your statistics? Go and do something with your free time if the lockdown for some reason doesn't apply to you. Hell I'd love to live in a universe where none of this is happening.
    That's all I gotta say, if anyone still wants to make this post a place for arguing feel free, tho I'm certain you could be doing better things with your lives.
    I hope this didn't came out as rude for people who genuinely liked my comic or didn't comment here with ill-intent. It's just that I've been reading the comments here for the last feel days and find myself in responsibilty to talk with my audience.

    Best reggards, now keep browsing and happy fapping.

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  • thedrizzle404 said:
    I make it a point in my life to stay informed through more than CNN.

    Right, so instead you get your information about a pandemic from fucking Breitbart Politics. How about you listen to what the leading experts around the world are saying instead?

    thedrizzle404 said:
    6% of the 220k had no pre-existing conditions. AKA a normal, healthy individual. The source for this was the CDC who said "6% of deaths were caused by Covid only."

    No, it was a table of COVID-19 death certificates and what was listed on them. If you had any idea of how death certificates worked, you'd know that every COVID-19 death certificate is supposed to have at least 2 other direct causes listed. If you would've actually looked at the chart, you'd see that over 55% of what you called "pre-existing conditions" were cardiac arrest and respiratory failure alone. Yeah, I'm pretty sure dying isn't a pre-existing condition. Another ~40% listed flu- and pneumonia-like symptoms, for obvious reasons.

    Those 6% of certificates that only listed COVID-19 were improperly written. There should be 0 death certificates with only COVID-19 written on them, because that's how death certificates work. While all these people did die from COVID-19, the final cause of death was from their lungs and/or heart failing, which is supposed to be written down on the certificates.

    Another thing to consider is that nearly half of all Americans suffer from at least one known pre-existing condition, and there are probably many more that don't even know they have a condition until they die.

    thedrizzle404 said:
    I never hear anyone talk about Ebola with its 50% kill rate

    That's the thing about outbreaks, they're paradoxical. The deadlier it is, the less likely it is to kill a large amount of people. Dead bodies are very poor at spreading a disease compared to living bodies. And the deadlier it is, the more likely people are to take it seriously, further reducing its spread. COVID-19 is right in the sweet spot between infectious and deadly, which is why it has been so successful in killing hundreds of thousands (also thanks in part to people like you).

    Also, Ebola isn't a world-wide pandemic and it hasn't killed over a million people in less than a year, so it's kinda easy to see why COVID-19 is getting more attention.

    thedrizzle404 said:
    nor about heart disease which is one of the least searched topics regarding kill rates on Google despite being consistently the number one killer in the US

    Ah yes, the wonderful fallacy of "well X is killing more people, so why should we care about the deaths caused by Y?"

    If we could prevent heart disease through simple measures such as wearing masks and social distancing, you could bet your ass that we'd be doing that. Deaths from car accidents became an epidemic until we enforced seatbelts, which saves tens of thousands of lives each year. And now we're (hopefully going to be) doing the same thing with masks.

    So the real question is, why are you dead-set against doing something so simple that has the power to save thousands of lives? What do you think you're accomplishing? The answer is nothing, and you're only obsessed over this because you have nothing else going on for you in life. You have a desperate need to feel important, so you delude yourself into thinking that you're smarter than everyone else in the world. Please go do something with your life instead of spreading disinformation and forcibly endangering other people's lives for your own fragile ego.


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  • Ah yes, Covid deniers. Always saying "it kills so few people, why worry about it." Yeah sure, not like it has a high risk of causing permanent heart and lung damage or anything like that. (It does, of course)

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  • One thing I'm gonna say is. Even if the survival rates are high, I'd rather avoid the virus all together if possible

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  • ignisshadowflame said:
    Covid 19 was discovered in 2019 wich is where the 19 in it's name comes from and if you have the flu when tested for covid 19 it will come back as a positive. Also another strain of the same virus was discovered in 2012 called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome.

    Im pretty sure most people here already know what the 19 means, since it was previously called 2019nCoV or novel coronavirus. COVID-19 stands for coronavirus disease 2019, with the official virus name being SARS-CoV-2, since its very similar to the SARS coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), which had its outbreak in Asia in 2002.
    I would say it is inaccurate to call MERS a strain of this same virus, because one, this virus is new, and two, corona viruses are a huge family of viruses. They may have a close ancestor, given they all may have originated in bats (with MERS then to dromedaries, and SARS-CoV-2 to civets), but unlikely to be MERS-Cov from SARS-Cov. There may be a slight possibility though, since it was reported that SARS-CoV-2 diverged from other coronavirus about 70 years ago, long before any of these pandemics occurred, but ultimately they belong to different lineages/subgenera. SARS-Cov-1/2 are from lineage B or Sarbecovirus, while MERS-Cov is in lineage C or Merbecovirus.

    You won’t get a positive result for COVID-19 just by having the flu. You might get a positive for having a different cold, but colds and flu are caused by different families of viruses, coronavirus and influenza. There are also different tests for COVID-19, some of which are more false negatives, extremely specific to only large amounts of COVID, or test also for all coronavirus. Being vague spreads dangerous misinformation.

    Some helpful sources:


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