katie created by deaathtraap
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Looks like Katie has gotten herself into quite the position, and Nikki was quick to take advantage of it. I'm sure she won't mind too much, she can take it.

Thank you to Pogonip for letting me use their characters! I saw Katie and just had to do her; the owner said they had never done any tickling stuff before but they were very happy to collaborate with me on this and help me make it as accurate as I could.

This is probably my most polished pic so far so I'm pretty happy with the result. I've definitely learned a lot and got some advice from Pogonip that I'll keep in mind for the future. I hope everyone enjoys it.

Katie and Nikki belong to Pogonip
Art by me. Steal it and you'll be sleeping with the fishes.

  • Comments
  • winnibur7610 said:
    This is pretty cute, hope those bones aren't too sharp ;-;

    I am sure there bones are like bristles on a brush and bends. Probably would only hurt for a sec if her skin pushed on the sharp end. But I'm also sure the tickler maikes sure to point em just like that so it won't happen

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