bobby123 (east asian mythology and etc) created by shrouded leopard
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  • xanthordragon said:
    can a herm impregnate themselves? if so then would it be a clone?

    Technically, no. But this is furry porn, all logic is out the window.

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  • Edel said:
    Technically, no. But this is furry porn, all logic is out the window.

    Varies by the species. By basic biology, any two creatures with the same chromosome count can breed, so logically any creature should be able to breed with itself as it is rather likely to have the same number of chromosomes as itself. In practice, however ...

    Most flowers are hermaphrodites and impregnate themselves all the time, while some animal hermaphrodites such as worms and snails have specific failsafes to prevent against such, as it causes the same problems as inbreeding.

    (Inbreeding dramatically increases the chance of a hereditary recessive gene being inherited twice. A great many genetic illnesses are linked to recessive genes, which is why inbreeding is known to produce frail or mentally inadequate children.)

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  • DevilishImmorality said:
    Varies by the species. By basic biology, any two creatures with the same chromosome count can breed, so logically any creature should be able to breed with itself as it is rather likely to have the same number of chromosomes as itself. In practice, however ...

    Most flowers are hermaphrodites and impregnate themselves all the time, while some animal hermaphrodites such as worms and snails have specific failsafes to prevent against such, as it causes the same problems as inbreeding.

    (Inbreeding dramatically increases the chance of a hereditary recessive gene being inherited twice. A great many genetic illnesses are linked to recessive genes, which is why inbreeding is known to produce frail or mentally inadequate children.)

    Inbreeding is only SAID to cause more problems. In theory, it should produce more. However, it actually doesn't do anything outside of normalcy.

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  • Neurotic_Dragoon said:
    Inbreeding is only SAID to cause more problems. In theory, it should produce more. However, it actually doesn't do anything outside of normalcy.

    There are thousands of years of inbreed nobles with horrible genetic defects that would say otherwise...

    Well them and a bunch of scientist, biologist and well genetic studies done on the matter too...

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