karidu created by kariii
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Dino Kari was just enjoying her usual day in the forest, hunting animals for food. She was ready to embark on a hunt when she accidentally fell into a ditch. Down there, she felt her feet step in something very sticky. She tried to walk but her massive bare soles were stuck in sap! She pulled and pulled but it was too sticky, and more sap was starting to fill the ditch little by little from a leaking tree above ground. Dino Kari watch helplessly as the sap went up to her ankles, then her knees, then her hips. The sap trickled down slowly but it didn’t stop. Before long, Dino Kari was completely submerged, struggling to move in the sticky gooey rubbery sap. But it was just so sticky, it was impossible to escape.

About 65 million years later, she finally got dug up… or rather, the massive block of amber she was now encased in. She became conscious again but she’s still stuck!!

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