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"A different Kind of hold" by RexSatou from InkBunny

Teen Rex: I was wondering why I suddenly heard loud Fennec screeching in the middle of the night

Alex: >//< ......I need an adult...

Kamora: He kept bugging me to play video games with him, but I needed to finish my workout. So I told him if he helped me Id go play with him

Teen Rex: And out of the blue, the 7 year old, usually innocent til proven otherwise thrall said, "How about I just shove my dick in here"

Kamora: Getting to that <.<, ANYWAY I figured what the heck, I cant really punch and or kick him.......too much, he's your thrall pretty sure he can take a hit or two but.......I mostly just had him help with practicing holds, Triangle choke, Arm bar, etc, etc

WELL Turns out my pheromones, also work on him, yea shocked me too, cause here i thought he was a girl in a boys body this whole time, BUUUUUUUT in the middle of practicing an arm bar......lets just say......the  "Source" of said pheromones got a wee bit too close to his little muzzle. I didn't think much of it cause ya know not in heat. Only for me to look down and see the little bastard was pitching a really distracting tent. He more than likely didn't know why

Teen Rex: God dammit.....  

Kamora: Didn't help he was wearing skin tight panties, little bastard should learn to stay out of my underwear drawer cause those weren't doing him any favors, and I didn't want him to ya know EXPLODE my underwear off of him so I had to yank those off.

Teen Rex:The more I hear of this the more concerned I get...

Kamora: Dude that thing was pulsating like a ticking time bomb something had to be done. So now working out was just too hard to focus on at this point and well.....figured one more hold wouldnt hurt,......... right before kicking off my underwear.....and Im pretty sure you can see where this is going.

Teen Rex:Then why did he....start screaming if he...actually did it himself.

Kamora: Weeeeeeelllll........He didn't it....he kinda.....pushed it in and just twitched at first......He didn't know what to do, he kinda just like.....jerked his body a bit, and after a few minutes of that I just said hell with it and well...kinda locked in a triangle hold around his waist and well...The screeching you heard was the combination of him blowing a dry load and freaking out from being.......stuck

Teen Rex:............Ok...........That is hilarious xD

Alex: MASSSSSTTTTERRR!! >//////<

Kamora: Yea that is also the fastest Ive ever seen someone "sober up" from contact with my pheromones. Thankfully his knot was small enough to slip out fairly quickly he was only stuck for a couple of minutes XDD

Teen Rex:Well...........thank you for that.........he has now been clinging to my leg for the last day and a half.....and well....

Alex:......I need an adult >///<

Kamora: I could take you to visit Aunt Valerie

Teen Rex:........And his claws are now digging into my leg.....stop that

Kamora:...........So was your first time knotting someone similar

Teen Rex:........No,...more so the other way around, Rich sheltered bunny girl, that decided she wanted something other than her....arranged husband, your guess is as good as mine. well there was a lot of screaming, and a lot of tugging,......then when she finally stop dragging me around the brothel, she paid me 50 bucks and came back for more once a week.

Kamora: Did....did you just admit to working in a brothel

Teen Rex:I had a very strange childhood...

Kamora: .........Tell me more of this bro-


Random weekend doodle :P

  • Comments
  • Love the art and the story! Just wish the story in the description was a little bit more, for lack of a better word, "readable."

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