sponty created by miles df
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  • Comments
  • Queen_Sectonia said:
    It's so human she's basically only classified as furry because she's wearing rabbit ears on her head

    Those are her ears actually. In some pictures, she has the tail too.

    I have seen some pictures which get on here because fake rabbit ears but that's a different story.

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  • Queen_Sectonia said:
    It's so human she's basically only classified as furry because she's wearing rabbit ears on her head

    Alia said:
    Those are her ears actually. In some pictures, she has the tail too.

    I have seen some pictures which get on here because fake rabbit ears but that's a different story.

    They're all over e6 and i used to have the same problem with nekos, and stuff like that on here bc i didn't classify them as "FURRIES", but I've learned to deal with it.

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  • Queen_Sectonia said:
    It's so human she's basically only classified as furry because she's wearing rabbit ears on her head

    Alia said:
    Those are her ears actually. In some pictures, she has the tail too.

    I have seen some pictures which get on here because fake rabbit ears but that's a different story.

    Tostune said:
    They're all over e6 and i used to have the same problem with nekos, and stuff like that on here bc i didn't classify them as "FURRIES", but I've learned to deal with it.

    You guys do realize that there is non furry drawings on e6, right?

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