nintendo and etc created by bruhsugga
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Next up is Sandshrew and Sandslash! I definitely used Yaroul's for inspiration and a reference for Sandslash so be sure to check it out! Hope you all are enjoying these!

Also, on a side note I figured I might ask for help from all of you. There are obviously certain Pokémon (kind of a lot actually) that will be hard to work around, and I’m curious if it would be preferred that I try to stick as close to their original designs as possible or try to “anthroify” them to a degree. If you have any suggestions for some of the weirder Pokémon feel free to leave them below. Any suggestions are great suggestions :)

  • Comments
  • dustykion said:
    I can't wait to see Oshawott and Scorbunny's evolution line!
    (if they happen)

    Yeah definitely an if, but I’ve considered going through comments to do some non gen 1 pokemon when I have free time so its possible!

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