created by asderat
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“Lucas, you’re changing your sona AGAIN?”

Yes. I have no excuse. It happens. 😔

This dude is probably the sona that looks the most like me; scars, body type, etc. I really love how he turned out.

  • Comments
  • remedy66 said:
    She would look better with bewbs and pussy ngl

    This character is a trans man (he/him) derived directly from my own body and surgeries. Based on your comment history, complaints about a trans male character lacking “pussy” or “bewbs” seems to be a reoccurring theme.

    There are plenty of OCs with breasts and vulvas you can enjoy on this site without having to intentionally misgender people and their personal sonas. Thanks.


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  • Is he available for a 3-hour long lecture on how mosquitos and eusocial wasps are not useless?
    (I specified "eusocial" because solitary wasps sound pretty chill. They're pollinators, and aren't aggressive.)

    Update: the lecture was cut short to only 2 hours, due to my fault. Still, 10/10, would recommend Asderat as a lecturer to a friend!


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  • butteredbaguettes said:
    Is he available for a 3-hour long lecture on how mosquitos and eusocial wasps are not useless?
    (I specified "eusocial" because solitary wasps sound pretty chill. They're pollinators, and aren't aggressive.)

    100%. You could get him (me) to go on that topic for hours. Haha

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  • asderat said:
    100%. You could get him (me) to go on that topic for hours. Haha

    Wanna schedule a call? :3

    I'm not even kidding! I forgot to let go of my child-like curiosity as I grew up, so, if you have the patience to talk about zoology to someone who doesn't know the first thing about it, I'm more than willing to listen and learn new things!

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  • butteredbaguettes said:
    Wanna schedule a call? :3

    I'm not even kidding! I forgot to let go of my child-like curiosity as I grew up, so, if you have the patience to talk about zoology to someone who doesn't know the first thing about it, I'm more than willing to listen and learn new things!

    Sure, why not! My discord is the same as my username here if you’re ever interested. ☺️

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  • asderat said:
    Sure, why not! My discord is the same as my username here if you’re ever interested. ☺️

    I've sent a friend request. Check your DMs, I've sent you my Discord username there!

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