apogee created by tinygaypirate
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just a dog

  • Comments
  • I don’t know Apogee particularly well, but if anything happened to her I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself

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  • orifan2 said:
    I don’t know Apogee particularly well, but if anything happened to her I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself

    Whoa there buddy! Let's just talk about getting her favorite cup of coffee instead?

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  • orifan2 said:
    I don’t know Apogee particularly well, but if anything happened to her I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself

    I know you're probably exaggerating for effect cause you Love Apogee we all do but just want to clarify to any unhinged people that it is just a drawing so take a deep breath and count to 100 so the rest of us can get far away! :P

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  • notcoldspark said:
    Whoa there buddy! Let's just talk about getting her favorite cup of coffee instead?

    myeteana.vorel said:
    I know you're probably exaggerating for effect cause you Love Apogee we all do but just want to clarify to any unhinged people that it is just a drawing so take a deep breath and count to 100 so the rest of us can get far away! :P

    Y’all can chill. I’m not that kind of crazy.

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