chazz (grindr) created by chief gilbert
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You got lucky found a Policeman on dating app,
what will you do next?

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  • *myself get out the car and calmly walk up to him. couth myself to my fist* "Err hello officer, I don't mean to disturbed you on your job sir, are you by chance named Chazz? I don't mean to be rude and I would hate to make you feel embarrassed, yet I simply must asked, are you on a online app with that name Chazz? if so, then I would be would be happy to buy you coffee for your good for the app..heh.. well I will keep it private, yet if you want, I would buy you a drink and we can go form there. So if it's ok for you sir, would you be so kindly to join me at a bar nearby after your police shift Officer?"

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