alphys and undyne (undertale (series) and etc) created by cosmic canine (artist)
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  • OogieDahBoogie said:
    was she going to commit suicide?

    It is implied HEAVILY that Alphys was having suicidal tendencies throughout most of the game. For example, when you defeat Mettaton on the Pacifist route, she says that without him, she would... she would...

    Or when you meet her down in the True Lab, she says she was afraid she would run away: Or do something...


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  • Undyne, you truly are a heroine, there's no doubt about that. I'm happy for this... and yet a bit sad because if you didn't then...

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  • K4RN4GE911 said:
    It is implied HEAVILY that Alphys was having suicidal tendencies throughout most of the game.

    I'm feeling like being exhaustive:

    Alphys thinks she's a dangerous, menacing piece of shit who must die in the name of common good.
    She can only permit herself to live if she can hang on to one reason why she wouldn't be better off dead. The whole reason why she whips up the whole "I'll be your mission support!" charade is to find a single shred of proof that she can do things and help people without fucking up and hurting someone every time she tries something, anything, even if it's in a simulated sandbox. Unfortunately, her Operation: I'm Not Garbage goes off the rails as Mettaton rebels and weaponizes the final leg of her obstacle course against you. Despite everything turning out well in the end thanks to her tools, the final chat in front of the elevator ends with her running off, choking back tears. It really was the final straw. :(

    That's also why she procrastinates from finishing Mettaton's new body. She sort of knows that if he gets everything he needs and abandons her, she has nothing to stand on. She's also attached enough to Undyne that if she were to die, it'd be enough to tip her off the deep end. She's not mentioned at all if Undyne is busy ruling after revenge, but it's not a far stretch to assume that nobody thinks to check on her until it's too late.

    She's gone in most neutral endings. If you destroy Mettaton at any stage, Undyne is mourning and blames you for her sudden disappearance or the vague "what happened to her". If Mettaton takes power after Toriel and Undyne are both dead, he says that when he tried to find her and apologize for giving her the cold shoulder, she'd vanished without a trace. If you kill Papyrus or enough monsters to rile up Undyne, she takes the throne (be Toriel alive or not) and raises an army with no mention of Alphys being in the works.

    Aside from the happiest ending and one other exception, she is confirmed to be alive only if 1.) you kill absolutely nobody and 2.) hang out with Undyne so she mellows out enough to hook up with Alphys. Undyne tells you that she's been getting worse and more reclusive, but is still hanging on with the help of good friends that keep an eye on her. If you manage to complete her date but somehow won't go for the true ending, she tells you over the phone that she's working on a way to crack the barrier and things are looking up overall!

    The weird exception is if you mass murder your way through the Genocide path up to the point where Undyne gets Alphys to evacuate the civilians to Hotland, but somehow manage to achieve a neutral ending after murdering Mettaton -NEO- and getting past LV 12. In that case, Alphys is hailed as a hero by the people she saved and she's promoted to queen before she gets the chance to dive into an elevator shaft. Her rule is popular despite her awkwardness and she's stable, if lonely. She thanks you for making her a better person and regrets not killing you herself in the same breath.

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