lana created by eliana-asato
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  • Great, as if videogames hadn't had enough stigma. Can you imagen the headlines? New VRgame rapes players! xD

    Great comic though

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  • Dragons4ever said:
    Great, as if videogames hadn't had enough stigma. Can you imagen the headlines? New VRgame rapes players! xD

    Great comic though

    Ill be honest..
    i think most gamers would try to keep it on the downlow.
    Nobody wants to admit they lost to the swamp monster boss who gave you a circlet at level 1...

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  • renevade said:
    Ill be honest..
    i think most gamers would try to keep it on the downlow.
    Nobody wants to admit they lost to the swamp monster boss who gave you a circlet at level 1...

    True that. XD

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  • renevade said:
    Ill be honest..
    i think most gamers would try to keep it on the downlow.
    Nobody wants to admit they lost to the swamp monster boss who gave you a circlet at level 1...

    That... Or EVERYONE will 'lose' to the swamp monster boss who gave them a circlet at level one, recommending it to all their friends. There will be people BRAGGING about how many times they've lost. They will have T-shirts printed, "Ask how I got fucked at level 1", so everybody and their moms will know about it. The boss will have an hours long queue to face it, and it will become the most popular, well discussed topic in the whole game. The boss won't see a break for months!

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