asriel dreemurr and warfare asriel (massive monster (studio) and etc) created by ozzythegoat15
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if you don't like it then use your BLACKLIST and move on, leaving unnecessary hate over you disliking the image due to its contents voilates E621's rules, you can learn more on how to use blacklists here:

diaper model by: hodgepodge
asriel model by:warfaremachine
various background models:

so anyways, why am i back on E621? well most sites are tryna kill off artists, and even tho e6 is a questionable choice due to the uhhh... very very concerning tags, i kinda miss some of the serotonin of getting interactions on my posts from other sites that isnt the hellhole called twitter, anyways i'm back to posting even if it means dealing with people improperly tagging posts so they go past blacklists, anyways hope you guys have a great day and keep bein' cool~

  • Comments
  • I don’t know if I’d that a bill diaper, too dangerous. Then again, I’m sure the capacity is fantastic!

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