lady wolf and nameless created by arbuzbudesh
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  • noveltwin said:
    Is there a way for the tag to have both names?

    I'm not super familiar with the system. I think the new name replaces the old name, but if someone searches on the old name it will transparently redirect to the new name. So the pages would show noemie, but anyone searching for nameless would still find these pages.

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  • tredfg543 said:
    And now I'm conflicted. Is it worth requesting an alias for nameless_(arbuzbudesh) -> noemie_(arbuzbudesh)?

    Strictly from a correctness perspective, that'd be appropriate. But it would also be a spoiler for several hundred pages of comic.

    New name replaces old, yeah. If someone decides to search “nameless_(arbuzbudesh)”, then it’ll change the results to “noemie_(arbuzbudesh)”.

    While it would be appropriate, I personally would hold off on it until later since it’s a recent spoiler as of now.

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