andrew oleander and cooper estevez created by jackaloo
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The Intern Vol 2 - page 9

  • Comments
  • I maintain that Cooper is an asshole, and I really don't see why Chelsea and Andrew like him. If Chelsea still does, at least.

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  • RedFlameGamer said:
    I maintain that Cooper is an asshole, and I really don't see why Chelsea and Andrew like him. If Chelsea still does, at least.

    come on Coops had a hard life he’s trying to get his shit together .

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  • RedFlameGamer said:
    I maintain that Cooper is an asshole, and I really don't see why Chelsea and Andrew like him. If Chelsea still does, at least.

    I honestly like Cooper, only because he is a douchebag. I like characters that can be a dick, but learn that they are in the wrong and try to change. I love the way Cooper is portrayed, too, its actually pretty damn real. if I had all these pent up emotions and confusion with who I was, I'd be a dick too, not that its ok. But, all in all, I like Cooper as a person and as a character, he's really relatable.

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  • This is getting so annoying, Andy really has every reason to leave and should've done so years ago, there's only so much nostalgia that's good for a guy and he'd do so much better leaving it behind.

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  • RedFlameGamer said:
    I maintain that Cooper is an asshole, and I really don't see why Chelsea and Andrew like him. If Chelsea still does, at least.

    Tinyphlosion said:
    I honestly like Cooper, only because he is a douchebag. I like characters that can be a dick, but learn that they are in the wrong and try to change. I love the way Cooper is portrayed, too, its actually pretty damn real. if I had all these pent up emotions and confusion with who I was, I'd be a dick too, not that its ok. But, all in all, I like Cooper as a person and as a character, he's really relatable.

    If you read the prequel to this, Summer's Gone (pool:summers_gone) you'll see him in a very different way. Oh, I identify with Coop, as well...

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  • Tinyphlosion said:
    I honestly like Cooper, only because he is a douchebag. I like characters that can be a dick, but learn that they are in the wrong and try to change. I love the way Cooper is portrayed, too, its actually pretty damn real. if I had all these pent up emotions and confusion with who I was, I'd be a dick too, not that its ok. But, all in all, I like Cooper as a person and as a character, he's really relatable.

    I totally understand, I relate too

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