skye bridges created by emmm
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Alternative Characters: Skye

Emmm drew this one day as a digital warmup doodle and I was pretty much smitten right away. He never intended for the character to have anything by way of a name or backstory, but I was so infatuated that I begged him to let me adopt the character, which he gladly did.

Her design, which pulls heavily from the male design stereotype despite her being a female character, really appealed to me. Big nose, short hair, small eyes, and a body with shoulders too big and hips too small for your stereotypical femme, she leaned in heavily to my tomboy desires.

I guess I'm so gay I even want my women to be men, but at thankfully Emmm was willing to let me indulge that to the fullest.

Skye is (tm) me, art by Emmm, art is (c) Emmm and posted with permission.

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