pussycat created by o-kemono
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From the artist:

This happens a lot on social media / art gallery websites...

While browsing social media webpages, I come across some artists and art that I find interesting – either it's the style, character design, and/or technique they use. After browsing their gallery, I give them a follow and favorite a few of their illustrations. Sometimes, I would go on their Likes/Favorite page to see what kind of artwork they like to view and share from others. Sometimes, I come across images that I don't really like or I find interesting, but then there were times that I saw shared subject matter that would be considered "questionable material" in most parts of the world – the type of stuff that you wish you didn't want to see. When I see those kinds of shared/liked posts that the artist collects, I unfollow them. Love the art, but the artist's "interests" are a bit too much for me, and I don't want to support or see that kind of genre of art on my social media feed. So many things I didn't want to see at all...

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