krystal and miyu (nintendo and etc) created by comet-earth
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  • PillowTalk said:
    Two characters we will probably never see again. Might as well as enjoy the view.

    You say that like Miyu appeared outside the cancelled Star Fox 2.

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  • PillowTalk said:
    Two characters we will probably never see again. Might as well as enjoy the view.

    We will be lucky to ever get a Star Fox game again given the lukewarm-at-best reception of Star Fox Zero, but we can always hope.

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  • PillowTalk said:
    Two characters we will probably never see again. Might as well as enjoy the view.


    Its not like starfox had any good character development anyways, most characters had shallow personalities. I mean only like fox had most of character development and the four only having tiny at best. most of the time there in the background flying around like idiots getting rekt while ocationally saying some cheesy line like "this guy wont get off of me help me fox." or some similarity. this fanmade art and other fanmade crafts is the only character development these characters have, and that's why you are so fond of them. otherwise who would of heard of Miyu without playing starfox 2? and how would you have any connection to them at all? they just repeat some three or four lines. sure the later games like assault had some cutsences but it was mostly "oh no its the big boss" or wolf having an intimate conversation with fox. oh and there was this one sence with Krystal but her saying "alright that's enough boys" is not particularity character development. and yes command had a fuck ton of character development, but most people rubed that game off as "shat" and it wasn't even considered canon. (technically the whole series besides starfox zero is not canon but whatever).

    Me personally haven't played starfox zero but i suspect it has not that much character development since reviews say they "copied" starfox 64 almost exactly or at least similarly. (I might be wrong)

    I don't think it matters much if the characters ever appear again in the games since they wouldn't really benefit anyway. all you would get is a sense of "officallness" with the characters. these "forgotten" characters have taken a life of its own since the starfox fans seem to be better writers than Nintendo themselves.

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  • user_159985 said:
    Two characters we will probably never see again. Might as well as enjoy the view.

    You sound like that sad jack-in-the-box from Rudolph 👁👄👁

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