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"You sure about this, Twi?"

"Sure, Celestia won't mind if we use her private pool for a while~... Now take a deep breath, Spikey~."

The two submerged after taking a few breaths, Spike leaning into her carer's hold as he smiled, a few bubbles leaking from his mouth as she prepared to receive her. The mare smooched his lips with a bubbly, loving moan as Twilight gripped his dragon companion's rigid cock.

The two locked lips for ages, basked in the pool lights as they floated for what seemed like an age trading air between them, feeling each other's warm, horny bodies rub up against each other as air trickled from their mouths, ignoring the need for air.

Spike closed his eyes and lost himself in her lips, how could have he been ignoring her after all this time?

  • Comments
  • Mash mouths together and grope mindlessly. It's how my first time went, and it worked marvelously.

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