revakulgr (european mythology and etc) created by thesecretcave
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Dragon Style Stuffing

Stream image done for Revakulgr who's dragon is prepared to give you the best cooking experience! And Revakulgr even wrote a story to go with the image!

Story starts here----

Thanksgiving is a time for feasting and making sure your stuffed before the end of the day. Revakulgr delights in making great feasts for all to enjoy and each year he invites people to come and enjoy the party. Coming into the home of the dragon you find yourself surrounded by his many guests all of whom are busying chatting and having a good time. A wonderful smell coming from the kitchen much further into the dragon's home draws you in. As you make your way into the kitchen you find the owner of this lovely home and the host of this party busy at work preparing all of the food for his guests. Being from out of town you had only heard people talking about the dragon's party but hadn't even actually met him. Finding a massive dragon towering over you was a bit of a shock to say the least let alone one wearing a chef's hat. The rumbling voice of the dragon is unmistakable even over the sounds of the party and the dragon's work in the kitchen. Revakulgr finishes preparing some of the appetizers. With a smile and a snap of his fingers several large figures materialize and begin carrying away the massive trays of food. Once that was done the dragon was free to turn his attentions to other important things. Turning he looks at you, "Ah right on time!" With that he walks over to the massive counter and adjusts his chef's hat.

"Hop on up we are about to get to my favorite part and I need YOUR help."

He smiles and gently pats his massive paw on the counter as you take a step closer his jovial attitude drawing you in. As you get a little closer you see him pat the table again. You ask him out of curiosity what his favorite part is as you get a little closer his size really starting to show over you. With a great toothy smile you hear the rumbled response.

"Prepping the turkey."

It was about that time that several things happened. First the dragon lifted himself up onto his hindlegs making him tower over you even more leading you to look up at him. Second eventually your eyes began to drift down the dragon's body taking in his magnificent form. His wings sparkled like the starry sky, the taut corded muscled under his scales and the way way he was rounded in the middle. The dragon obviously enjoyed eating but he carried the weight well. It was about that point that you noticed the rest of him and he was definitely a he. The large red cock that throbbed slightly and drooling a small stream of pre as you looked it only to have a very hefty pouch to compliment the dragon's cock leave you a bit speechless.

"Ah I guess you found the stuffing. Don't worry though I only use the freshest ingredients."

With a lusty growl he patted the counter again.

"Come on up....It's time to stuff the turkey...."

The rest of the story is up to your mind to play out.

Story ends here

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