fan character and maks rosebuster (sonic the hedgehog (series) and etc) created by absolutedream

From sources:

Commission for Rosebuster

Commission for rosebuster of his character Maks "Rosey" rose-buster playfully splashing in the water of a fountain.

This could be a good example of what my water effects are like for future commissions. Great fun to do! This was also a good opportunity to explore Toon Boom a little more to see what I could do for water, and how I could colour it.

Welp, I'm off to work on more commissions and school stuff.



Program used: Toon Boom Harmony for animation, Photoshop for the background

Character belongs to rosebuster


learn more about animation commissions here:

Or for regular drawn commissions:

If you have questions, send me a note, since I see them quicker than comments.

Splashy Fox Animation!

For those who still follow me here, I thought I should upload at least this piece I got, since it's so well animated. This fox is having lots of fun splashing in the fountain! Press full view, because nothing can be seen otherwise. ><


Art by:

Original upload --->here<---

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