flint and lotus created by sigher
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  • What exactly is the story w these two? Lotus let Flint impregnate him out of some sort of transaction but they came to be in love later on?

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  • metallosexual said:
    What exactly is the story w these two? Lotus let Flint impregnate him out of some sort of transaction but they came to be in love later on?

    hi, i'm the creator! i dont know if you were actually looking for a reply so i'm sorry if this was a rhetorical question, but if it wasn't:

    they're part of a bigger story that i will hopefully one day post in continuity, but the gist of their specific situation is that lotus' twin sister found out some things she shouldn't about the person flint was under the command of. in an attempt to protect her lotus made a deal with flint that he would essentially 'marry' him and have kids with him in exchange for flint not telling anyone else that his sister knew about those things, and flint agreed because he knew if lotus and any hypothetical kids were involved then lotus' sister wouldn't reveal the things she knew and risk any harm coming to lotus and the kids. so it started off as a deal / silence agreement, but they ended up getting along quite well and falling in love as it went. it's a very condensed version of events and doesn't include plot but i hope that explains things a bit :]

    it's a little old at this point but you can see all of them here ! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45474430/

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