fox mccloud and wolf o'donnell (nintendo and etc) created by soonico
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"Eat, pup!"
Wolf ordered when he shoved the piece of meat in Fox's face.
"C'mon, you skipped breakfast already! If you skip lunch, you'll die!"
Fox was sitting in the table and kept a grumpy face while Wolf tried to
shove food into his mouth.

Wolf stopped trying after a while and asked him "What's your problem?"
"I'm not your fucking pet, I wanna go back to my normal size!"
"Hehe~ Can't let you do that, Star Fox!"
"Fine then, I'm not gonna eat your damn food!"
"So you're telling me you'd rather die than be my pet?"
"Hmph!" Fox grunted and turned away from him.

Wolf then plucked up Fox with two fingers and brought him to his face.
"Hey! What are you-" Fox had no chance to say because Wolf gave him
one long, teasing lick to his whole body. "Aw! Gross!"
"Mmmm.... you're kinda tasty, pup!" The big wolf told him.
"W-w-w-wha-at?!" The frightened little fox tried asking.
He saw Wolf licking his lips and knew what was gonna happen.
"NO!! WOLF!!! DON'T DO IT!!!!" Fox begged to Wolf.
"You said you'd rather die... In that case..."

Wolf then opened his mouth and let his warm breath wash over Fox,
the little vulpine kicked and begged to be let free, but then, Wolf
tossed him into his open mouth and he fell face-first on the tongue.
Wolf then snapped his jaw shut. Fox tried to get up but then, the big
canine started tossing him around his mouth with his tongue.

Wolf sucked and tasted the little fox, sloshing him around like a piece
of candy. Fox had to hold on Wolf's tongue, afraid he'd fall on one of
his teeth and end up getting impaled. Wolf then pushed the tongue to the
roof of his mouth and pressed Fox against it, then he licked him all
over again with his tongue.

Fox felt Wolf's tongue rub over a really private place and felt humiliated.
Wolf then started lowering the tongue and stopped moving it. And then, his
mouth was parting open and Fox could see the light. The little fox thought
he was going to be released, but then, he saw a box of milk. Wolf was going
to drink it.

The vulpine held the tongue tight again as the milk started washing over him
and trying to make him fall like the waves of an ocean. Fox held tight, trying
not to fall into the throat. "Please, Wolf, stop!!!" he started crying, but
Wolf didn't listen and went on for a second round of drinking milk.

Fox tried to hold on to the tongue again, but he was too tired and the
milk pushed him to the back of Wolf's mouth. Wolf then tilted his head, and
with one loud *gulp* Wolf swallowed him alive. He licked his lips and let out
his tongue like a happy dog and exhaled "Ahhhhhh~!"

Fox screamed and cried as he descended the canine's throat, and then, he fell
down on the milk-filled stomach. Wolf then started to rub his belly, letting
out a burp, and told Fox while he was inside: "You were delicious, pup!"
Fox then started punching the meat walls and begging to be let free.
"What's the matter, pup? I thought you wanted to die."
"Hmmm... You promise you're gonna eat from now on?"
"Good pup, looks like you've learned your lesson."


Fox sat on the table, covered in drool and milk with Wolf shoving
pieces of meat and veggies on his face. He took the food and muched on
it, filling his stomach... He didn't even like to think about that, he
had lost his appetite; but if he didn't eat, he knew where he was going
to end up on.

Wolf and Fox finished their lunch together, and then, Wolf picked Fox
up once again and started dragging him off somewhere. "Let's take a bath
pup, if you keep smelling like that, I just might eat you again. Heh~!"


Liked the story? :D

Wolf never really intended to harm Fox, though he'd be lying if he
said he doesn't enjoy feeling super dominant over his little guy. :3
In the end, he was just getting worried for his pet's health.

I have more of these to come, so give a watch if you'd like to see
where this story goes!

Art by: soonico
Story and Color by: me

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