maple pericrest created by lonbluewolf
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Woven Treasures

I think we’ve all at some point or another been in a situation where we needed to make some quick cash to either pay off a bill, get something to eat, or for an event that’s coming up; and for someone who travels and explores with no steady job, its understandable that you would take on some freelance work to keep yourself fed and clothed. Well for an adventurer like Maple, doing freelance work is commonplace, cuz if she doesn’t work, she doesn’t eat. So, during a casual trip to town, Maple noticed her funds were a bit low so she decided to inquire about some work she could possibly do to earn some money. While she did manage to get a few small jobs to get a little money, one request stuck out. Apparently, a seamstress required some very special silk to make some clothing for a high-end customer; however, this material wasn’t something she could merely pick up or trade at a shop. This silk was rumored to be at some old ruins that was guarded by various trap. The seamstress went on to state that she would pay handsomely if it was retrieved for her. Hearing this, Maple swiftly accepted the request and ventured out to the ruins to retrieve the silk! Though nearly done in by some of the traps and having her attire extensively damaged due to the obstacles, Maple couldn’t help but smile when she found the material she was supposed to covet. However, I think Maple might use some of that material to repair her own ensemble! Who knows, maybe the seamstress can patch Maple up, lord knows she really needs it! XD This was another awesome pic that lonbluewolf did for me featuring the calico kitty adventurer Maple on a silly little adventure! Wish her luck on the next ones! I hope you all enjoy!

*TRIVIA: Maple’s last name of Pericrest is a combination of the words “perish” and “crest”, the reason for this is due to one of the earlier concepts for her. She was originally going to be a rogue knight, and her last name was meant to allude to her failing her duties as a knight, hence the “dying crest” her name was supposed to signify.

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