bluemane and mia (bad guy cafe) created by ziegelzeig
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This art was commissioned by SMNeff and features Mia and Bluemane, who were both his OCs at that time. Since, he gave me the rights on Bluemane, who became my own OC. However, this art is still canon, and takes place in the past of the two characters, when they were young adults and experienced their sexuality. As the two arctic vixens have always been best friends since childhood, it seemed natural to them to share this moment of discovery together, even if it wasn't supposed to lead them any further.

Have a great day,


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You can also support OceRydia on her own Patreon page, she deserves it ten thousand time :

~ PS : Any financial support would be REALLY appreciated, since Oce and I are really living on the edge... thanks a lot to anyone who would join our patreons, even at the lower pledges. ~

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