nightmare star and twilight sparkle (friendship is magic and etc) created by caroo
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Under a Scorching Sun

Years after the defeat of Nightmare Moon, everypony knew deep down it wasn’t the last they’d heard from whatever malevolent force had corrupted Luna.

The last thing they expected however, was for it to corrupt Celestia instead. A new villain had risen, calling herself Nightmare Star, but the new title mattered little, as the once benevolent Celestia had now become Equestria’s newest, and most fearsome threat.

Determined to rid the world of the night for good, replacing it with an eternal scorching sun, this new evil Celestia acted quickly, capturing those who dared to stand against her, including her once pupil, Twilight Sparkle, whom she was determined to convince her of her new point of view, through any means necessary.

Armed with a lifetime of knowledge of Twilight’s strengths and weaknesses, Nightmare Star remembered what was once a trivial little detail about her prize student, a once shameful admission, of sorts; just how sensitive her feet were.

It was this weakness she was more than happy to exploit, having Twilight bound in such a way as to render her feet absolutely immobile and vulnerable to whatever devious machinations she had planned. As Celestia, she found it immensely satisfying to give her student’s feet the occasional tickle, but as Nightmare Star, she sought to torment her soles with as much unbearable, hysterics inducing tickle torture as she could physically bring.

Deprived of her footwear, her now bare feet were placed under an unbelievably intense stimulation. Subject to a myriad of infernal tools that brushed, scraped and poked at her naked soles, a variety of sinister oils and lotions were brought into play to only enhance the titilations further. From one liquid that made her already ticklish feet even more sensitive, to another that plagued with them intolerable itch that made her skin crawl.
But for someone like Nightmare Star, even this was not enough. Keeping to her reputation of a scorching sun, of intense hotness, Twilight’s poor peds were also exposed to all different sorts of sweltering heat, leaving her exhausted, unbelievably sweaty, and even more tender to whatever tortures she’d have to endure, though her captor made more than sure to stop the heat from damaging her victim, making sure she’d not be too distracted from her tickly suffering.

As if it wasn’t enough, the corrupted Princess made sure to only tease and humiliate her victim further, toying with her head between her large, bare feet, that radiated the same palpable warmth the rest of her body did.

Everything combined, Twilight simply couldn’t take another second, but she was forced to nonetheless, hours of laughter, squeals and screams passing as her soles were placed under one ticklish torture or another, eyes and mouth leaking tears and drool respectively.

After days and days of focused torment on her most vulnerable spots, Twilight’s will began to crumble. She’d not be able to resist much longer, Nightmare Star’s evil perspective becoming more reasonable as the tickling dragged on, one day blurring into the next.

Would her friends rescue her before Twilight too fell to corruption? Was her will strong enough to withstand such treatments? Only time would tell, and time was something Nightmare Star had a lot of.

“How many hours has it been? I’ve lost count after 4. But it doesn’t matter, I still have all day to play with these adorable little feet of yours, and I do mean all day…”

Of course, in this new Equestria ruled by Nightmare Star, the day would last forever…

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