dan and varric created by valerok
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Why does it take so god darn long for the knot to go down again? Well since they are stuck like that for a while each of them has his own way to pass the time. Varric takes a nap and Dan reads a book as he waits, doesn't seem to be the most interessting book thought judging by his expression. xD

  • Comments
  • Marflebark said:
    Probably just waiting for the knot to deflate...

    yes, because from what i heard canines usually get stuck to females from 45 minutes to 30. at lease the female has something to do

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  • cuzzythewolf said:
    yes, because from what i heard canines usually get stuck to females from 45 minutes to 30. at lease the female has something to do

    Rada rada not a bla bla it's yuh yuh cuntboy ect ect different from female.

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  • Captain_Chronic said:
    Rada rada not a bla bla it's yuh yuh cuntboy ect ect different from female.

    my bad, i dint read the tags, no need to downrate my comment over a mistake

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