kronawolf created by tarumeow
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  • Comments
  • my brain is so confused about the style ... is this a photo and then drawn on top of? it's realistic in some places and fantasy in others, very interesting style

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  • anonymousspacething said:
    my brain is so confused about the style ... is this a photo and then drawn on top of? it's realistic in some places and fantasy in others, very interesting style

    These are called "draw overs".
    So someone poses for a photo (often in a fursuit) then their fursona is drawn over the top of the image.

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  • anonymousspacething said:
    my brain is so confused about the style ... is this a photo and then drawn on top of? it's realistic in some places and fantasy in others, very interesting style

    In this case it's some added outlines, and the drawn-on tongue and cock.

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