lyla and tom created by slypon
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  • Hmmm, bartender at upscale resort has wicked facial scar, huge snake tat, forearms the size of sheep-boy's torso, and is dressed like a Street Fighter character.

    Call me crazy, but I'm wondering if this just might be one of the bad guys that giant lizard bodyguard was supposed to be protecting Ms. Leopard from.

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  • lurkymclurkerson said:
    Hmmm, bartender at upscale resort has wicked facial scar, huge snake tat, forearms the size of sheep-boy's torso, and is dressed like a Street Fighter character.

    Call me crazy, but I'm wondering if this just might be one of the bad guys that giant lizard bodyguard was supposed to be protecting Ms. Leopard from.

    Don't be so prejudiced. Clearly he's part of an outreach program meant to teach useful skills to those swallowed up by gangland life so they have the opportunity to turn to being productive members of society.

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  • Yes girls have been throwing themselves at this guy for the whole comic but this feels too easy.

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