cadeyrn and willan created by raaz
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From the source

The best-laid plans
By Kaddarick , posted Apr 12, 2021 05:46 PM Cadeyrn

“Halt ! Drop your weapons, keep your hands up and no funny business or you’re dead.”
The lancer said as she pointed her blade towards the two adventurers. Soon five other warriors came up, surrounding them as they had the advantage in numbers. The liger noticed two things. First, they were wearing some light armor, probably as they could focus their fighting style on acrobatics, speed and ambushes. And second, they were all women.

“Bandits.” Muttered the liger, ready to strike first as he keeps his hidden weapon ready as he kept some seeds between his fingers, ready to make them bud in deadly living stakes. The region they were in wasn’t known to be the most peaceful or civilized. He quickly assessed the situation and ready to fight for his life. You can’t trust plunderers as their desperate.

“Okay we’re not here to cause troubles.” Said Willan and he drops his sword and hold his hands up.

The liger gave a flabbergasted glance to his giant friend. Like seriously ?

“What the fuck dude, them being females doesn’t mean we should treat them as unarmed people.” Whispered the liger.

“The cat ! Yeah I’m talking to you : don’t make me repeat myself, unless you want that pointy thing so bad between your ribs.”

Cadeyrn sighed heavily. Well seems like it was a bit too late to fight now. The liger didn’t looked armed and he just lift his arms over his head. “I’m a liger not a mere cat.” He grumbled.

“Ha ! Typical toxic masculine arrogance.” Said the woman as she approaches and asked to her companion to frisks their bags for weapons and other dangerous items. They quickly found Cad’s knife, more used as a tool than a weapon among other things.

“Hey ! It’s nothing to do about that !” Said the liger for his defense. “Damn, do you believe what she just said ?” Asked the liger as he turns towards Willan who couldn’t repress a smile.

“Cut it out, both of you !” Answered the warrior before Willan could say anything. “You city dwellers know what happens when males cross over our territory.”

“Territory ?” The more Cadeyrn was looking at the spearwoman the more he thought they didn’t look like ruffians. Their demeanor and light armor was more distinguished and cohesive, as If they were soldier. “We don’t know about that we are only travelers.”

“Of course, everyone may be a traveler, especially when you move so far from your lands, farmboy.” Retorts the one who was searching for treacherous weapons in their bag as she wondered why the liger was carrying so much seeds in his pouch.

“We are not ill-intended. Quite the contrary in fact.” Told Willan. “We are adventurers : we are moving in different countries until we find someone needing our help and expertise. Rescuing people, gathering rare remedy, finding solutions between men (and women of course) and spirits… That kind of business…”

“Sure, if you need anything to be solved by the way…” Added sarcastically the liger, his arms still over his head, as if they were in the right position to propose their services.

“I found a map with their itinerary ! They don’t seem to lie about traveling. In fact they are quite far from their home if the map show the truth.” Claimed the other amazon.

The boss sighed. “Well, I believe you. Maybe you only are foolish and ignorant males. But it doesn’t excuse your trespassing. Still… We could find some … payment to cross our borders.” One of the girl, an ocelot approached them, smirking.

“Sure. Those males seems quite promising, even the smaller one. Big and powerful, unlike the usual cowards. Some of our sisters could be interested.”

“Shush sister, don’t give to those filthy males naughty ideas. They don’t need to know anything. They just need to come and fulfill… their part of the deal.”

Cadeyrn and WIllan looked themselves for a second, not totally able to hide their smiles.

Many thanks to Raaz for this awesome piece of art.
Again, featuring Willan as well as many beautiful amazons.

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