carol tea, merga, milla basset, neera li, and sash lilac (freedom planet and etc) created by rickytwork
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From the artist:

more freedom planet content from me?
I will do more in the future I promise

but for now have this

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  • [FLAG] Uploader requested removal within 48 hours (Reason: The artist doesn't want their art uploaded without permission.)

    Well, it's still freely available, relevant content, so if they do not want it here, they are free to file takedown and ask to be DNP so nothing gets posted in future either.
    I'm not fan of deleting content under assumptions of what others might think. I know a lot of artists who deny reposting in their profile, but then they are still fine with posting on specific places like here and the warning is so that people won't just repost it on their personal game fanpage on twitter or facebook.

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  • mairo said:
    Well, it's still freely available, relevant content, so if they do not want it here, they are free to file takedown and ask to be DNP so nothing gets posted in future either.
    I'm not fan of deleting content under assumptions of what others might think. I know a lot of artists who deny reposting in their profile, but then they are still fine with posting on specific places like here and the warning is so that people won't just repost it on their personal game fanpage on twitter or facebook.

    Still, unless more uploads from the artist (from people other than me) come here, I'm not comfortable uploading more from the artist.

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