nintendo and etc created by joe123123123
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Penises comes in many shapes, but so does vaginas too.

  • Comments
  • Very interesting.

    I like seeing artists take a stab at drawing unique vulvas. Pretty common to see with penises, not so common for vulvas. And even more rare is when they're drawn appealingly, which you've done here. I quite like the look of quite a few of these.

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  • Personaly i want to see more now like a little series like the meowstic family we havent seen in a bit but with this arceus changing forms

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  • Personally would go for all of them. Wonder what each one would taste like. Smell like. And of course, feel like.

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  • GojiFan98 said:
    Personally would go for all of them. Wonder what each one would taste like. Smell like. And of course, feel like.

    Fighting type tastes/smells like sweat and feels like you just put your dick in a fleshlight and then put it in a vice grip.
    Fire tastes like capacin, smells like cinnamon/peppers and feels like fucking a hotpocket
    Electric feels like you just hooked yourself up to an electrode, and smells like Ozone.
    Steel is obviously the smell of motor oil or gasoline, and is like fucking stainless steel.
    Ice tastes like you just drank water after using mint, will likely make your tongue or dick stick to it, and may freeze your cum on contact, possibly giving you frostbite.
    Flying is just a bird cloaca and bug is an insect's cloaca.
    You don't want to fuck a rock pussy because it smells like powdered cement and feels like fucking concrete, ground smells like fresh soil, but there's a chance it will cut your dick off when she clenches. ??? is indescribable and may give you cancer or grant a wish.

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