jodi and tusk created by bleats
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It may not have been the smartest idea to show up at Jodi's with a bloody knife, but Tusk didn't know where else to turn right now, hopefully, she'll help him out!

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  • Comments
  • Jesus Christ, Mason is not having a good day, he just lost the one person who saved his life from the streets and now he's probably going to jail for the next couple pages until Hex comes along and bail him out

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  • Anonthemouses said:
    He pretty much did by pulling the knife out

    You're right, he might of thought he saved him by pulling out the knife, but it is better to leave it in and let a medical person take it out, they can control the bleeding.

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  • Knowing he's a jealous type, plus looking freaked-out, bloody, with a knife-- she'd be an idiot to let him in.

    If she does... expect a "School Days" ending...

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  • I do not see a happy ending showing up any time for this comic. On that note this story so far has been an amazingly good one.

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  • dracotay said:
    You're right, he might of thought he saved him by pulling out the knife, but it is better to leave it in and let a medical person take it out, they can control the bleeding.

    Gets worse, he grabbed the knife, the only finger prints on it will probably be his.

    YaegerTheArcticWolf said:
    I do not see a happy ending showing up any time for this comic. On that note this story so far has been an amazingly good one.

    We still aren't close to where the first page of the story was, so yeah, things aren't going to get better for a long time.

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  • Laenop said:
    "Were" close? did something happened to Jitters?

    Seems like Jitters may be a ghost. Those tarot cards were WAY too accurate even with who was on them. Me thinks Jitters died of an overdose or something and haunts Mason, trying to keep him safe or something.

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  • YaegerTheArcticWolf said:
    I do not see a happy ending showing up any time for this comic. On that note this story so far has been an amazingly good one.

    Considering he was cutting himself, I think this is a comic that will only get more entrenched in darker and more depressing shit before it gets better.

    I also have a feeling that the whole cast is gonna die, and then the comic ends with Tusk dying as well.

    Though if you want a happy ending, I have imagined that all the shit happens, and Tusk dies after telling the story of whatever cause. But then in Hell, he finds the cast having a metal concert, and then their moshpit is the happy ending, with them accepting their eternity in Hell, because they realize they'd done some fucked up shit, and they deserve it. But now without the looming threat of death, and with everyone there having done some sort of wrong, they accept it, and decide that they're gonna have a good time before the rapture.

    That's the happy ending I foresee for this comic, if there is one.

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