marflebark created by sapphys flower

Gay Redneck Furry pride done by my friend Saph (sapphysflowers) for Pride month! Pride can come in all forms, not just in sexuality, but also of culture, region, and hobby/fetish, pride month might be over, but its never too late to celebrate and cherish pride no matter which form it manifests in or as!

Can't figure out why Saph's tag isn't showing as artist?

  • Comments
  • The description reads like someone who also says shit like “MAPs is a valid sexuality and should be respected.”

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  • nironira said:
    Why the dislikes?

    Edit: It's a real question. Explain it to me, please.

    Many individuals find the Dixie Battle Flag to be a representation of many non-American values, such as discrimination and slavery. That is why it has downvotes.

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  • nironira said:
    Why the dislikes?

    Edit: It's a real question. Explain it to me, please.

    Confederate flag fliers tend to not have a very positive, non-hostile reaction to lgbtqa+ people just like, existing. It’s also a traitors flag (despite only being used in like one or two battles) that represents a nation that wanted to keep their slaves. Major cringe and frankly quite evil

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  • preston_garvey232 said:
    Many individuals find the Dixie Battle Flag to be a representation of many non-American values, such as discrimination and slavery. That is why it has downvotes.

    I see. Sorry, I didn't know that the US is seeing it that way. In my country it's just a historical flag. We on the other hand have to deal with Nazi symbols.
    Thanks for explaining!

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  • Im not sure that the dixie flag has any sort of place in modern America, considering it was a flag used by a homeland-born enemy that was anti-American. The flags not a culture thing, its a way to show off that they lost lmao

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  • nironira said:
    I see. Sorry, I didn't know that the US is seeing it that way. In my country it's just a historical flag. We on the other hand have to deal with Nazi symbols.
    Thanks for explaining!

    Ah. Well imagine if a portion of your population still waved it around as a sign if historical pride. If they claimed it represented a time of prosperity and unity while glossing over all the atrocities connected with that flag and movement. And then they claim everyone else is just too "Politically Correct" or "woke" when they get offended.

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  • Everyone on this website has been alive at least 4 times as long as the Confederacy lasted.

    Grow up and stop supporting traitors so insignificant that their entire legacy is a week long unit in 6th grade history.

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  • cyandog182 said:
    Ah. Well imagine if a portion of your population still waved it around as a sign if historical pride. If they claimed it represented a time of prosperity and unity while glossing over all the atrocities connected with that flag and movement. And then they claim everyone else is just too "Politically Correct" or "woke" when they get offended.

    Well, that's exactly what some people do over here with the swastika. Sadly...

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  • cyandog182 said:
    Ah. Well imagine if a portion of your population still waved it around as a sign if historical pride. If they claimed it represented a time of prosperity and unity while glossing over all the atrocities connected with that flag and movement. And then they claim everyone else is just too "Politically Correct" or "woke" when they get offended.

    Sadly this also aplies for Spain with franco and the Falange.

    Thats one prove that if you allied with USA or with the superpower of the moment you can commit all crimes and no one or only a few will judge you. (This applies today for Saudi Arabia-USA relationships.)


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  • sirmrmanguydude said:
    Ethno-nationalists be ethno-nationalists*

    I was saying in a more general sense of, despite the different countries and cultures, we still have the same types of groups of fuckups.
    Human nature.

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  • This feels like a low quality Furaffinity post. Or elaborate bait.
    >Gay Confederate
    I mean, I guess if you're both gay AND southern then ok.

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  • david-acevedo said:
    Sadly this also aplies for Spain with franco and the Falange.

    Thats one prove that if you allied with USA or with the superpower of the moment you can commit all crimes and no one or only a few will judge you. (This applies today for Saudi Arabia-USA relationships.)

    hooliganism over past dictatorships (or over the past, widely said) never brings anything good.
    people cherrypick what they want and ignore the rest "hey this wasnt that bad" and im putting this up for BOTH sides of hooligans, fachas y rojos in this case.
    y sí, soy español y me petan tanto los hoolis de un lado como los del otro, la intransigencia, las verdades a medias y la polarización innecesaria pueden con mi paciencia.

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  • the flag doesnt bother me really. I'm not like a racist or anything. I just see it like every day and Its never bothered me. its more of a redneck symbol than a hate symbol to me. but hey, I wont get in anybodies way if they dont like it. thats their choice.

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  • nironira said:
    I see. Sorry, I didn't know that the US is seeing it that way. In my country it's just a historical flag. We on the other hand have to deal with Nazi symbols.
    Thanks for explaining!

    Also the confederate flag gets flown by violent neo-nazi groups in the US, so along with the historical use as a symbol of white nationalists and anti-American sentiment it is seen as a symbol of current day violence.

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  • There's an ICP song for this: it's called "Fuck Your Rebel Flag" and, yeah. That's it.

    I understand people might feel nostalgic growing up around that flag but honestly I don't welcome any of it. But I'm also not gonna attack someone because 99 times outta 100 they know exactly what they're doing and your lecture won't change their mind. No point in getting all riled up if it so dead that it has literally no respectable attributes.

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  • xernthesergal said:
    the flag doesnt bother me really. I'm not like a racist or anything. I just see it like every day and Its never bothered me. its more of a redneck symbol than a hate symbol to me. but hey, I wont get in anybodies way if they dont like it. thats their choice.

    honestly same , around the area I live it's always been a redneck thing

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  • david-acevedo said:
    Cuando las rojigualdas franquistas dejen de petar las manifestaciones en España me avisas, excepto si se trata de una manifestación netamente Repúblicana o de autonomías, (estas otras sí por lo menos se mantienen en las manifestaciones que les corresponden) sin embargo en los eventos y las manifestaciones “normales” por así decirlo, siempre están las rojigualdas franquistas incluso abundan casi a la par de la rojigualda constitucional (bandera actual).

    el hecho de que respondas a un comentario neutral meses después, con un argumento algo pueril y descolgándote hacia un lado claramente refuerza bastante lo que he dicho, y augura una conversación a la defensiva y bastante infructuosa, pero bueno.
    para empezar sabes que eso no es verdad, te has tirado un triple estupendo (luego que no hay cherrypicking, ni "mi lado es le mejor"). a menos que me hables de un mitin de bocs, donde sí vas a ver una cantidad importante de pajarracos impresos sobre rojigualda, por razones que creo que ambos sabemos... en cualquier manifestación digamos genérica que no tenga que ver con tema republicano ni fachuzo, se ve una inmensa mayoría de rojigualdas constitucionales o planas (colores sin ningún escudo) y una pequeña cantidad de republicanas y pajarracas. y en contra de lo que puedas pensar, no caigo en decirte que en esa minoría solo hay republicanas porque la tricolor canta mucho y en cualquier foto es lo primero que ves...sería fácil caer en el argumento manipulador de "mira cuantas se ven y que claritas" pero las fachuzas también están ahí, solo hay que buscarlas, que cuesta un poco más porque usan el fondo rojigualda.
    precisamente es un ejemplo ideal de que la gente vive demasiado en aquel... llámalo rencor, necesidad de revanchismo, heridas no cerradas... de ver las cosas con el caleidoscopio de algo que ya no debería ser vigente. si bien no debería olvidarse, hoy tenemos problemas de hoy, que requieren soluciones diferentes y con el mismo enfoque acabaremos en la misma salida, esa polarización la veo mala. ya nos polariza bastante el mundo hoy mismo... es lo que me jode, la necesidad de reflejar todo en aquel espejo y meter con calzador en cada tema esos puntos de vista tan blanco o negro.
    y en el tema banderas yo te diría que la bandera republicana goza de... no diría más simpatía porque hay gente que no la traga, pero más inocuedad. al ciudadano corriente ver una bandera republicana o le genera simpatía o en caso contrario es un poco meh, mientras que la franquista fuera de los cuatro frikazos fans del nano calbo, levanta más miradas ceñudas. y con razón, representa un régimen dictatorial, lo cual para mi al menos, ya es un big no-no a la empatía. no comulgo para nada con ello.
    en mi barrio hay algunas banderas republicanas en las casas y ni tan mal, pero ni una franquista. y creo que si la hubiese no la miraríamos con buenos ojos.

    y ya te digo que el tipo de respuesta que me has dado (y los downvotes de la chupipandi supongo) ya me dice que esto seguramente no va a llegar a ninguna parte , pero te dejo el tochazo para que veas que no soy el típico "cerrao" que la suelta y sale corriendo . y yo de facha más bien poco, tiro más al lado opuesto.

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  • nironira said:
    I see. Sorry, I didn't know that the US is seeing it that way. In my country it's just a historical flag. We on the other hand have to deal with Nazi symbols.
    Thanks for explaining!

    So we have a German here xD

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  • user_448987 said:
    Confederate flag fliers tend to not have a very positive, non-hostile reaction to lgbtqa+ people just like, existing. It’s also a traitors flag (despite only being used in like one or two battles) that represents a nation that wanted to keep their slaves. Major cringe and frankly quite evil

    i don't 😈

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  • cyandog182 said:
    Ah. Well imagine if a portion of your population still waved it around as a sign if historical pride. If they claimed it represented a time of prosperity and unity while glossing over all the atrocities connected with that flag and movement. And then they claim everyone else is just too "Politically Correct" or "woke" when they get offended.

    go back to new york yankee you don't understand the flag was never that just pride most southerners are really nice to black people

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  • soguyswedidit said:
    if they really want another war, i guess we can make the score 0-2.

    i'd like to see you try you try you yankees wont even put up arms

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  • yetanotherlurker said:
    Everyone on this website has been alive at least 4 times as long as the Confederacy lasted.

    Grow up and stop supporting traitors so insignificant that their entire legacy is a week long unit in 6th grade history.


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  • heeheehaw said:
    What other flag is there to fly other than this flag to show you are from Dixie?

    yea or the actuall stars and bars the first flag

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  • xernthesergal said:
    the flag doesnt bother me really. I'm not like a racist or anything. I just see it like every day and Its never bothered me. its more of a redneck symbol than a hate symbol to me. but hey, I wont get in anybodies way if they dont like it. thats their choice.

    if the Nazis can turn a symbol of peace and prosperity into a hate symbol then surely rednecks can turn a symbol of hate and racism into a symbol of their own pride for being a redneck.

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  • LMAO I don't know if the person who wrote the description was being honest or trolling.
    But anyways, if you want to show having pride in your region you grew up in (in this case The South) then maybe try flying another flag, like your state flag, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, etc. or fly all all 13 southern state's flags if you really care about your region that much. Just you know, don't fly the racist one. Mkay?

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