schwarzpelz created by s2-freak
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Schwarzpelz - Chapter 8 - Part 2 - by S2-Freak

Not been feeling too great in the last days, but at least I've worked ahead for moments like this, so pics can still go up~

Schwarzi "awakening" after his transformation, as a few of his fruit cores break for reasons unknown. Sound around him returns
and he finds himself in an unknown place, in a slightly different body than what he was used to. Now to find out what happened
and how much time has passed since he was not really conscious.
Also new character very soon. still doesn't have a name tough xd

Anyway, hope you still like it <3

Art, Schwarzpelz © me

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  • Comments
  • Are crows the secret to awakening awoos? owo

    On a more serious note, suddenly awakening with tons of bodies around you and in you with blood everywhere is more than gonna break poor Schwarzi’s mind, and he’s still very much a child at this point. :c

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