created by lunate
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Looks like the Nariok had captured two of icysharkie and snowweaver´s friends... The two followed the shifty sharks to an old facility on the western coast not far from the town of Tinora. Abandoned at first sight, the lonely and empty towers of the old potion-factory gave the two little reason to not follow the kidnappers.

once inside, the two noticed, that the facility was far less abandoned than thought. As they entered one of the greater chambers, they found tubes filled with strange liquids. something... was inside these tubes but too late the two humans found out, that the potion factory had been turned into a transformation lab by the narioks, to test new healing methods for agressive and infectious transformations.

They were trapped inside the room, as the two tubes opened and their once human friends stumbled into their direction. Their bodies had become grotesque, muscular, and monstrous, dripping with lust, slime and other substances from every pore, like a feral urge had taken over their mind. ripped and wet clothies were the only proof these creatures once were humans, as they slowly came closer.

  • Comments
  • I don't know what the point of shackles are if they aren't tied to anything, but I'm no scientist.

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