judy hopps (zootopia and etc) created by piranha fish
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  • I always wondered why her kevlar vest doesn't cover her belly...
    A bullet or blade to the stomach can be just as fatal as one to the chest.

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  • Owningsuperset7- said:
    I always wondered why her kevlar vest doesn't cover her belly...
    A bullet or blade to the stomach can be just as fatal as one to the chest.

    and given the size of the knife it could cut her in half but I don't think it'll be a problem cause judy is a badass and can kick major ass

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  • neo4812 said:
    and given the size of the knife it could cut her in half but I don't think it'll be a problem cause judy is a badass and can kick major ass

    A knife, maybe. But she can't dodge bullets, and her taking a gunshot to the belly would probably blow her in half if the bullet was large enough.

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  • Owningsuperset7- said:
    A knife, maybe. But she can't dodge bullets, and her taking a gunshot to the belly would probably blow her in half if the bullet was large enough.

    It doesn't seem that Zootopia has guns. Sure, it's probably just a Disney thing, but there might not be a lot of violent crimes involving guns in Zootopia, or at least they're fairly rare.

    And anyway, kevlar's probably for claws and teeth rather than for implements.

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