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  • Comments
  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Ok... I know I shouldn't judge other people's tastes, especially on this site.

    But, seriously? Would anyone seriously try to justify this? That it is explicitly an insinuation of abuse of a minor?

    I mean, this is genuinely beyond my comprehension, and I know that somehow I will be treated like the bad guy for writing this comment.

    The fact it isn't reality is why you'll be treated like the bad guy. If this was advocating doing this in real life, people would call it out and likely even get it taken down. Because that is NOT okay. But this is fiction. Not real. Fake. It's not my thing, but come on, this is like any other fictional scenario. Just keep it fiction, and there isn't an issue.

    Unless you're trying to say you think this is being justified because you, personally, advocate for everything you fictionally like in real life? If so, YIKES.

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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Ok... I know I shouldn't judge other people's tastes, especially on this site.

    But, seriously? Would anyone seriously try to justify this? That it is explicitly an insinuation of abuse of a minor?

    I mean, this is genuinely beyond my comprehension, and I know that somehow I will be treated like the bad guy for writing this comment.

    Isn’t nsfw cub on the blacklist by default? So either you removed it or you willingly turned it off because you wanted to see this post. Kinda weird for someone who thinks it’s disgusting, no?

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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    I know it's not real, but why among all the fantasies, fetishes and body types (wow, there is a variety), you focus specifically on the fantasy of abusing a minor?

    I'm not saying you're 100% a child molester in real life, but I think it's reasonable for me to raise at least one eyebrow at that.

    Specifically? I have many, MANY fictional fetishes, as you'll see by my massive favorites list. This is but a small drop in the bucket, and isn't any worse or better than any other fetish. In fact, this specific scenario isn't even something I'm into, but because it's fiction and hurting no one, I will defend it to my dying breath.

    You personally can no like it, but thinking worse of a person for what they enjoy in fiction is silly and even self-defeating. After all, there are plenty of people who think all furries are you-know-what, and you seem to enjoy braixen (good taste, btw). Think about that next time you have a knee-jerk reaction like this.

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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Okay. I get it

    Personally, I find it a bit bizarre to be criticized for openly saying that I don't like child abuse, but ok, I won't continue talking about this.

    Please have a good day, and I hope you don't remember me in a bad light or something, personally I don't want to make enemies for this kind of thing

    Perhaps also specify that you dont like zoophilia because youre on the anthropomorphic animal pornography website.
    just to be sure

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  • dsgokori said:
    That has zero logical throughthread, you know? Walking talking human intelligence animal people don’t exist, you’re making a complete non-comparison. Meanwhile, depictions of children and adults hold obvious parallels with our real world. I think the dude is just concerned about depictions of child abuse being normalized… can’t say I blame him. Normalization can lead to desensitization, and I personally am highly fearful of the children whose lives could be ruined be they assaulted by someone who became too comfort with the images and ideas they found online that turned them on. The ones people spread around and accepted as ‘ok’ without accepting the incredible danger to real people for some delusional, denial driven logic.

    I agree, Lets also ban videogames where you kill people (sarcasm)

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  • dsgokori said:
    They hated him because he spoke the truth.

    When will the furry community be a welcoming place for all and not full of genuinely disturbed undertones of real zoophilic and pedophilic desires? Why is anyone ok with the attempted normalizing of pedophilic interests? I’ll probably not live to see the day people wake up to just how dangerous this is. Even if, yes, it is fiction.

    Sir you're on the hog cranking website

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  • >I could just grab him and go???
    This scenario funny as shit just so casually thinking about kidnapping


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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Okay. I get it

    Personally, I find it a bit bizarre to be criticized for openly saying that I don't like child abuse, but ok, I won't continue talking about this.

    Please have a good day, and I hope you don't remember me in a bad light or something, personally I don't want to make enemies for this kind of thing

    Take your morals to twiter this is literally a porn site for characters that look like animals. I think the average person would call YOU weird like "why do you like that art, do you support banging animals? of all the body types you could choose you chose a dog?" See I hate furrys acting as if they arn't consider just as weird. If it's p×do to draw cubs, its beastiality to draw furry porn. Go to church. That's my advice. If your feeling sad or wrong about art like this. Go to church, get therapy.

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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Ok... I know I shouldn't judge other people's tastes, especially on this site.

    But, seriously? Would anyone seriously try to justify this? That it is explicitly an insinuation of abuse of a minor?

    I mean, this is genuinely beyond my comprehension, and I know that somehow I will be treated like the bad guy for writing this comment.

    To be fair though atleast they're both underage, if you think this is bad you haven't been on this website long enough.

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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Ok... I know I shouldn't judge other people's tastes, especially on this site.

    But, seriously? Would anyone seriously try to justify this? That it is explicitly an insinuation of abuse of a minor?

    I mean, this is genuinely beyond my comprehension, and I know that somehow I will be treated like the bad guy for writing this comment.

    I’ve had to justify gore and other quite extreme kinks on this site for the sake of equality, as much as it kills me xp

    For some gore is less bad than incest, cub is worse than snuff, feral is worse than rape, etc
    People have different tastes and what they can tolerate in their porn. Ultimately this is fictional, even if it touches on uncomfortable realities.
    I personally do not really like porn that entertains the idea of imminent abduction/rape, but this is a fantasy and people have various reasons for liking it, like putting themselves in the Riolu’s place.
    (I’ve seen remarks on how we glorify violence on media for children to see, but cannot handle nudity like the Japanese can (who themselves have seriouS. censorship) and then China whites out blood. Are we idolized murderers? Shameless Perverts? Humans are a wierd bunch.)
    e621 archives everything (except DNP), no matter how distasteful someone might think of it, as long as it isn’t suggesting irl activities.

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  • dsgokori said:
    That has zero logical throughthread, you know? Walking talking human intelligence animal people don’t exist, you’re making a complete non-comparison. Meanwhile, depictions of children and adults hold obvious parallels with our real world. I think the dude is just concerned about depictions of child abuse being normalized… can’t say I blame him. Normalization can lead to desensitization, and I personally am highly fearful of the children whose lives could be ruined be they assaulted by someone who became too comfort with the images and ideas they found online that turned them on. The ones people spread around and accepted as ‘ok’ without accepting the incredible danger to real people for some delusional, denial driven logic.

    Well sir, neither do talking human intelligence animal children exist, so it is not any different.
    Anyways, you have a pissing feral lion in your favorites, which is in fact a real animal with its original bodily plan, and lacks evidence of human intelligence. You must be highly concerned yourself of the normalization of animal abuse being normalized (and before you say nothing is happening, simply by having that desire to stare can be said to be a red flag), with the start of animalized people and then animals, no?
    I hope you reflect and change your mind.
    Just as you hopefully understand the lion drawn is not real, this art here is even less real. Animals, children, and adults are abused in real life, but we do not ban stories and video games or movies that depict it (now, if they glorify it is another thing, but recall we have hunting simulators and GTA, neither of which I even like in the slightest, but who am I to slap my morals on the players?)

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  • a-e-tretcheleo said:
    Okay. I get it

    Personally, I find it a bit bizarre to be criticized for openly saying that I don't like child abuse, but ok, I won't continue talking about this.

    Please have a good day, and I hope you don't remember me in a bad light or something, personally I don't want to make enemies for this kind of thing

    You're getting criticized because nobody cares if you don't like something.
    Imagine a scenario where you go to a bar, and see someone order a martini. You don't like martinis. You order a martini. You come up to the guy who ordered one and tell him you don't like martinis. Who fucking asked?

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