brendan, hilbert, and red (i put the new forgis on the jeep and etc) created by kimu185
  • Comments
  • Yeah, and it's not like GF is making 87.5% male ratios on some mons to hinder breeding. Ain't no way that the already rare population of Pokémon will survive with 12.5% of females.

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  • anonymous_one said:
    Is the 50.2% supposed to be a reference to something? I thought it was a flat 50% gender split.

    I think it's a recent change, probably something to do with the calculation

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  • 5h4d0wd0rf said:
    Yeah, and it's not like GF is making 87.5% male ratios on some mons to hinder breeding. Ain't no way that the already rare population of Pokémon will survive with 12.5% of females.

    Jokes aside, that is the reason they still do it though lol. Starters are iconic, and the only mons with a ratio that high. They want them to be really rare in the beginning. They added Galade in Gen 4 to be the male counterpart to Gardevoir but since it was already 50/50 in Gen 3 they decided to just leave it as is. Gamefreak doesn't tend to change the backend formulas if they don't have to.

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