aurora revali, naomi torrent, olyvia cross, and the bombshells created by mleonheart
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  • tiamat5 said:
    So much sexiness in one picture it should be a crime.

    DexterTheGreat said:
    It is, for those who don't like this kind if stuff and I do.

    Mate(s) said:
    Homosexuals are criminals ?

    Mrdafork said:
    If you had to become one of those what one would you choose

    tiamat5 said:
    Tough choice. Hot Hawk, Desirable Doberman or Sexy Silver Shark...maybe a hybrid of all three.

    Mrdafork said:
    lets make it so the one you choose you would go to a fictional world where things like them exist and humans dont and the one you choose you would have their job so bird farmer dog army and shark you could choose your own job so NOW what would you choose?

    RedTiger said:
    Triple dose of tits

    VulpesLasLunes said:
    please, lemme smash

    RedStar5555 said:
    I like the shark

    DexterTheGreat said:
    This is how I picture it,
    A shark with wings and the fur/skin colors of a Doberman.

    That's all I came up with.

    RedStar5555 said:
    I'd pick the shark

    Comments from the deleted post.

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