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Well here we are. 2 months, 3 WIPs and a hell of a lot of assets being thrown together, including a troubling period of making a cat lady, the next big long animation is here. Hooray!

As a heads up, the audio is intentionally crackly. The cameras recording all of this have terrible microphones. Luckily they capture the wet delicious sounds perfectly. Strange! But fair, yes?

Feedback always welcome, as usual. Let me know if I went a bit too far with this one. I think I say that every time? Regardless, this was so fun to make. I hope you like it!



WIPs were delivered to substar first, where the gang gave their thoughts and helped me make this better. Consider subscribing, see early stuff, help me make some really hot shit, and be turned on with the rest of us:

  • Comments
  • Is the sound supposed to be like that for some weird hidden camera effect, or is the audio gone iffy, or is it just my phone? Otherwise, this is what we call...

    *CLICK* Noice.

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  • luceox30 said:
    Is the sound supposed to be like that for some weird hidden camera effect, or is the audio gone iffy, or is it just my phone? Otherwise, this is what we call...

    *CLICK* Noice.

    Distortion from the camera being shitty. Probably should've mentioned that somewhere now that you mention it... Hmm. Still, glad you like it!

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  • damnedfurry said:
    I'm massively confused by both the plot and the horrendous audio quality, lol. Just, why?

    Thank you for the feedback! Actually the audio quality is intentional; it's meant to be that way because of the bad microphones on the cameras recording what's going on. I didnt mention it in the video or anywhere and I realize now that's confused a few people, hahah. I'll put it in the description.

    The plot is actually from the ongoing series this is a part of. I dont want to spill too much, but Odonez is a character that's been mentioned before that we've not seen, and the studies team leader of Loak Securities, a security company investigating these weird drones and their conversions and whatnot. Have a look at some of my other content if you want to check it out. Hope you like it!

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  • spirallyjessie said:
    Thank you for the feedback! Actually the audio quality is intentional; it's meant to be that way because of the bad microphones on the cameras recording what's going on. I didnt mention it in the video or anywhere and I realize now that's confused a few people, hahah. I'll put it in the description.

    The plot is actually from the ongoing series this is a part of. I dont want to spill too much, but Odonez is a character that's been mentioned before that we've not seen, and the studies team leader of Loak Securities, a security company investigating these weird drones and their conversions and whatnot. Have a look at some of my other content if you want to check it out. Hope you like it!

    Will there be any possibility that they will turn into a drone?

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  • Usually i'm not into that drone/indoctrination thing, but i really like this animation. Interesting situation, detailed indoctrination process, even "dirty" sound makes it more believable.
    But i just don't understand some things.
    Odonez know, that drones indoctrinate people through "kisses", more of it, she know, that process can take less then 30 seconds. What the point of knowing the information, if you will be abducted in no time? OK, maybe she knew about surveillance in her apartment, and decided to sacrifice herself in order to get the information? But she also know, that drones can corrupt it (what eventually happened, as i understand).
    So many questions, and so few answers)

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  • I've only discovered your stuff recently, and I have yet to be disappointed by any of it.
    So many questions, so few answers, such amazing animation. I have never been so turned on by kissing until I found you.

    I look forward to seeing more of your work. To seeing what comes of this line. Because that was a goldmine of information trading and I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE ANSWERS WERE PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

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  • Huh, guess I have a new fetish after discovering your content.

    I'll be watching your carrerr closely.

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  • Not gonna lie, i innitially thought that Studies Lead Odonez was a man from the voice and general shape of their body. Pleasently surprised, and i realize now you were probably doing the voice over for both characters.

    Very good content! I quite enjoyed this even if i thought i wouldnt like it as much as i ended up liking it.

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  • This was a really well made animations, all of your effort definitely was rewarded mate, I do hope there will be a part 2.

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  • Feedback: Tip try to leave the hidden cameras at a wider angle or fisheye effect, so you don't have to keep turning it, and when focusing closer to the drone, leave a more cinematic camera, I like that you created a lore to not just be free pornography, The idea of ​​mixing erotic with found footage makes it more immersive.

    What is the name of this drone? Because I was thinking about making a Fanart and I didn't find a TAG with the name of it


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  • The animation work, as always, lovely.

    As a sound designer myself, I have a note or two.

    The Microphones, while intentionally made to be crunchy, are a little TOO crunchy and muffled for the effect you're going for. The visual quality should me more indicative of an old deteriorated VHS if it was to sound that way. a little static lines along the top and bottom of the footage or occasional flicker might have sold it better.

    There's also a moment where you break the candid camera moment for the intimate kiss, where you had an opportunity to slip to a slightly better quality to make sure the kiss noises were clear. From what I'm understanding, it seems like you're masking the microphones for whatever space you were recording that might have been a rough noise floor, which I sympathize.

    The best way to make audio effects like this work is not to go too hard into it unless the visuals match up. less is more.

    Keep up the good work.

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  • Lovely work as always, since I saw your first animations I was hooked. Definitely a fetish before, solidified by now. I do wonder if there'll be bird characters in the future, even if not it'll still be amazing. And the belt at the end there, an absolute *chefs kiss*

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  • Thought the sabertooth's face was a little hard to look at. Otherwise this was great!


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  • The excuse you gave for the awful quality was smart, but pretty transparent. Crunchy mics cannot produce a quality that bad. It sounds more like you couldn't get voice actors in time and tried to cover it up. I just got done looking at the new FNAF game, so intentionally crunchy voice quality that you can still clearly hear is something I just experienced in buckets. This deserves better audio. I'm so tired of SCP stuff just being that one spooky dog girl fucking people. I know this is not an SCP, but it felt more like one than most of the stuff I see of her. It had that creepiness that was just right. Definitely interested in this getting polished with audio good enough that the subtitles are just there to help, rather than being necessary. And interested in you making a next part.

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  • Was certainly thrown for a loop when it turned out that the cat was a woman, but pleasantly so. Still... May want to hire a different VA unless you're going for a twokinds type thing where males and female anthros sound alike? Either way it should say the animations good.


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  • bennyboi0806 said:
    Will there be any possibility that they will turn into a drone?

    That's for part 2! Once I get around to that. Eventually.

    strider382 said:
    Usually i'm not into that drone/indoctrination thing, but i really like this animation. Interesting situation, detailed indoctrination process, even "dirty" sound makes it more believable.
    But i just don't understand some things.
    Odonez know, that drones indoctrinate people through "kisses", more of it, she know, that process can take less then 30 seconds. What the point of knowing the information, if you will be abducted in no time? OK, maybe she knew about surveillance in her apartment, and decided to sacrifice herself in order to get the information? But she also know, that drones can corrupt it (what eventually happened, as i understand).
    So many questions, and so few answers)

    This is a good question! I'm glad you thought into it. It's more like, she knows this is a terrible idea but there might not be an opportunity to get answers like this. She was intending to keep it at one question, but then got carried away after the first only had a vague effect. Then she was tempted, and... Yeah. Obviously yes there's a huge risk carried, with possibly being converted into a drone, but put yourself in her shoes. Would YOU not want just a taste?

    Glad you enjoyed it!

    zephyrgold58 said:
    This was a really well made animations, all of your effort definitely was rewarded mate, I do hope there will be a part 2.

    Thank you. That sincerely means a lot. I put a lotta effort into it.

    awarzreburco said:
    Feedback: Tip try to leave the hidden cameras at a wider angle or fisheye effect, so you don't have to keep turning it, and when focusing closer to the drone, leave a more cinematic camera, I like that you created a lore to not just be free pornography, The idea of ​​mixing erotic with found footage makes it more immersive.

    What is the name of this drone? Because I was thinking about making a Fanart and I didn't find a TAG with the name of it

    Thanks, that's a great idea. I'll see what I can do, it's just hard to balance making it 100% found footage and still being porn that you can see where everything's clearly visible. Tried going more found-footage with the one with the wrangler before, didnt work so well. But will see what I can do!

    Drone names, uh... MCOS Drones would be a fair name for them. I guess. Kinda...

    darkwitt said:
    The animation work, as always, lovely.

    As a sound designer myself, I have a note or two.

    The Microphones, while intentionally made to be crunchy, are a little TOO crunchy and muffled for the effect you're going for. The visual quality should me more indicative of an old deteriorated VHS if it was to sound that way. a little static lines along the top and bottom of the footage or occasional flicker might have sold it better.

    There's also a moment where you break the candid camera moment for the intimate kiss, where you had an opportunity to slip to a slightly better quality to make sure the kiss noises were clear. From what I'm understanding, it seems like you're masking the microphones for whatever space you were recording that might have been a rough noise floor, which I sympathize.

    The best way to make audio effects like this work is not to go too hard into it unless the visuals match up. less is more.

    Keep up the good work.

    Thank you for this, this is fantastic feedback. You're right about the noise floor, and kinda for the... Voice thing too. Long story short I'm trying to be entirely self-sufficient. I was trying to hide the voices a bit so you'd not hear that it's just me twice (or that my woman voice sucks) but keep the wet sounds at an acceptable un-crunchy level because we all love that wet noise, but. Yeah, I'll have to do this a bit differently next time, hmm. Thanks for the thoughts!

    minus said:
    The excuse you gave for the awful quality was smart, but pretty transparent. Crunchy mics cannot produce a quality that bad. It sounds more like you couldn't get voice actors in time and tried to cover it up. I just got done looking at the new FNAF game, so intentionally crunchy voice quality that you can still clearly hear is something I just experienced in buckets. This deserves better audio. I'm so tired of SCP stuff just being that one spooky dog girl fucking people. I know this is not an SCP, but it felt more like one than most of the stuff I see of her. It had that creepiness that was just right. Definitely interested in this getting polished with audio good enough that the subtitles are just there to help, rather than being necessary. And interested in you making a next part.

    I get what you mean. I'm actually kinda flattered you think so highly of my work! For the voices, you're almost right, it's, hmm. I'm trying to be self-sufficient actually, not need anyone but myself to make the things I wanna make, but my woman voice sucks, and I'm just one person, so I tried to make it fit as best I could. Hard to be multiple people when it's just me, but maybe, maaaaybe if I somehow end up redoing the audio or something, I can find some actors to help. I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll keep trying!

    Apologies for the late replies everyone, also. I've been away. Back to it now.

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  • Not a fan of dronification but have started following this series, I really like extreme_french_kissing with the longue tongue stuff, My favorite one is The one with the dog agent, I do love some ear_penetration myself, I do say I Would like to see more Of those two And more Male with male stuff, keep up The good work💚

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  • why does the saber remind me of the werewolf dude from scary godmother movies. like seriously that was my first thought

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  • I think it'd be really sexy to have the four arms, using them for extra control over the researcher's limbs while smashing into them. I also think the animation could use a little work, some extra bouncyness and weight into everything.

    That said though, you've mastered a lot. The premise, dialogue, each kiss getting deeper, the build up leading to your mind being corrupted and you finally give in. Your pacing and execution is stunning. I personally ended up loving the audio because it really immerses you into the scenerio, a camera recording something meant to be important.

    I'm not a fan of robotic characters, I prefer mine fluffy and warm. Yet your work ruffles my feathers and gets the heat going hard hee hee, that's gotta mean you're doing something right.

    Keep it up! I see so much potential in your work <3


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  • Rendition of how this went down (not rp)
    me: Okay this is pretty hot.
    Scientist: "Ah, Shit"
    Me: PFFFFFFT *Tea kettle noises*
    This has comedy, okay?

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  • The animation is nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing more. However, I can't say I like the audio quality, and I get that it's intentional, but in my humble opinion, it would be better to have good quality audio even if it doesn't quite fit the recording aesthetic you're aiming for.

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  • spirallyjessie said:
    Thank you for the feedback! Actually the audio quality is intentional; it's meant to be that way because of the bad microphones on the cameras recording what's going on. I didnt mention it in the video or anywhere and I realize now that's confused a few people, hahah. I'll put it in the description.

    The plot is actually from the ongoing series this is a part of. I dont want to spill too much, but Odonez is a character that's been mentioned before that we've not seen, and the studies team leader of Loak Securities, a security company investigating these weird drones and their conversions and whatnot. Have a look at some of my other content if you want to check it out. Hope you like it!

    Dude this is totally luscious, i swear i could taste the tongue myself watching it slide down odonez's throat. Atmosphere in the scene was so heavy... it's slow and quiet, but deliberate. The mic muffles all but the wet sucky slipping noises of tongues and bodies (or my perv mind hilights it for me...if you follow the sound designers' tips posted and decrease the fuzz for the kisses etc it will just turn me on even more!) The loudest part of the scene really is the interminable progression towards odonez's moral unwrapping and how she knows/worries/dislikes what's happening but also wants/loves/cant help but be filled up by this sickly sexiness slowly and surely oozing its way inside... oh yummmm i wish people could kiss like that 😍😍💦💦

    Edit - forgot to ask, if you dont mind, and you dont have to tell me but those noises for the kissing were unbelievably fri king spot-on. However did you manage to reproduce those kissing sounds?? You even captured the moist hollowness of breathing through a wide open mouth/throat whilst another's tongue was slid halfway down it! Did YOU swallow a mic on a string and proceed to be kissed as such???? 😛😛🥰 pray tell!


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  • Ain't no way none of y'all mentioning how this man tried his best at female voices and succeeded at two of them with vastly different personalities and modes of speaking

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  • devonm0 said:
    Is this SCP-related, or at least based on or adjacent to SCP?

    In its own universe, not an SCP thing.

    dutymcfunkill said:
    The animation is nice, and I'm looking forward to seeing more. However, I can't say I like the audio quality, and I get that it's intentional, but in my humble opinion, it would be better to have good quality audio even if it doesn't quite fit the recording aesthetic you're aiming for.

    Dont worry, I learned my lesson. Thanks for telling me what you think. Glad you liked it!

    ceedee said:
    Ain't no way none of y'all mentioning how this man tried his best at female voices and succeeded at two of them with vastly different personalities and modes of speaking

    That's actually very kind of you to say. I appreciate I'm no professional VA but I did my best! Thank you!

    harpyja-kin said:
    I think it'd be really sexy to have the four arms, using them for extra control over the researcher's limbs while smashing into them. I also think the animation could use a little work, some extra bouncyness and weight into everything.

    That said though, you've mastered a lot. The premise, dialogue, each kiss getting deeper, the build up leading to your mind being corrupted and you finally give in. Your pacing and execution is stunning. I personally ended up loving the audio because it really immerses you into the scenerio, a camera recording something meant to be important.

    I'm not a fan of robotic characters, I prefer mine fluffy and warm. Yet your work ruffles my feathers and gets the heat going hard hee hee, that's gotta mean you're doing something right.

    Keep it up! I see so much potential in your work <3

    That's high praise, and great feedback. Fluffy characters are hard to do in 3D without them looking too... Fortnitey. But I'll keep doing what I can. Thank you!

    Again, glad y'all liked it. <3

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  • somedudethatlikebear said:
    This is amazing

    Side note, did anybody else notice the Hoxton mask in the picture frame at around 6 minutes?

    I was about to make a comment about that, thank god im not the only one

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  • Some aspects of this animation I'm not usually into mostly the humanoid genitalia (too vanilla for me, but that's just me being weird), but I cannot lie it's still pretty decent animation. The lighting is just a bit eh could do with some work, but it's still a good animation regardless though. That little belt at the end pretty fun, especially the design.

    Also seems there's a little bit of lore going on, always nice to see!

    Generally, good work.


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