created by allbadbadgers
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Sketch sequence made in Patreon discord

This one was a lot of fun to make! A small sequence of the story of a broken out experiment, a parasite! They didn't at first believe it was a parasite until it claimed the viewer here as a host and a victim to their power infusing ways. Minds now one, power overwhelming their whole soul and mind to a soldier and knight all in the might and need of serving her queen, all while bestowing her blessed gift she's granted the mortal.

  • Comments
  • puroplushi2244 said:
    If only I could read the text better.

    open image in new tab and zoom in there or zoom in on phone to see each individual image as the full screen.
    Best I can suggest and there's nothing more I myself can do sadly.

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  • allbadbadgers said:
    open image in new tab and zoom in there or zoom in on phone to see each individual image as the full screen.
    Best I can suggest and there's nothing more I myself can do sadly.

    I went to the download and zoomed in. I screenshot the 4 slides and can read the text fully now. You make great art and stories. Keep up the amazing work!

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