created by blackbetty

One of my older works from my gallery.

  • Comments
  • nukenugget said:
    thats a daring thing to say talking about a non existant weapon.

    Engineering still tends to follow standard canon. If that's a power cell, its a inefficient shape if you're trying to store the max amount of amp-hours in a given volume. If it's a magazine for projectiles. well it's just plain backwards.

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  • Tainted1 said:
    Engineering still tends to follow standard canon. If that's a power cell, its a inefficient shape if you're trying to store the max amount of amp-hours in a given volume. If it's a magazine for projectiles. well it's just plain backwards.

    But there is no difference in the way of storing the ammo. the direction of the slope isn't effecting the magazine size at all. And based on your ather comments I think you just want to hate which is pretty lame.

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  • Tainted1 said:
    You want to know how I know that you haven't actually ever handled any weapons?

    first: I don't need to have handled everything iI draw. (haven't handled anthro fennecs and powersuits either.)

    secound: "You haven't fired a weapon" is a redneck argument. don't be a redneck.

    and third:No I don't want to know even if it is your greatest archievment this week, to know that I havn't fired a weapon yet. It's not like It's quantum physiks and if you get salty because of the direction of a slope of a magazine (seriously whoe does that) I can't help you,

    PS: People like you are the reason artists don't anwer to their comments.

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  • nukenugget said:
    first: I don't need to have handled everything iI draw. (haven't handled anthro fennecs and powersuits either.)

    secound: "You haven't fired a weapon" is a redneck argument. don't be a redneck.

    and third:No I don't want to know even if it is your greatest archievment this week, to know that I havn't fired a weapon yet. It's not like It's quantum physiks and if you get salty because of the direction of a slope of a magazine (seriously whoe does that) I can't help you,

    PS: People like you are the reason artists don't anwer to their comments.

    Well, if you want to be a petulant child about it. IF it's projectiles then theres going to be a certain shape to the cartridge which will be either a straight cylinder or a bottle shape, the latter of course being more tapered in the direction of the projectile. Having a magazine in a ass backwards configuration as in this pic would severely limit the number of cartridges in the magazine. Being initially advised that it didn't quite look right you could have taken the criticism and adapted with it. Instead you decided to be a spoiled little shit throwing a little titty tantrum and expressing continued incompetence on the subject. Sometimes it's better keep ones mouth shut and let folks assume that your a damned fool than open it and remove any doubt.

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  • nukenugget said:
    PS: People like you are the reason artists don't anwer to their comments.

    Because they can't take simple criticism?
    It's a really obvious issue; it's backward, and for no real reason. It looks weird, regardless.

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  • Tainted1 said:
    Well, if you want to be a petulant child about it. IF it's projectiles then theres going to be a certain shape to the cartridge which will be either a straight cylinder or a bottle shape, the latter of course being more tapered in the direction of the projectile. Having a magazine in a ass backwards configuration as in this pic would severely limit the number of cartridges in the magazine. Being initially advised that it didn't quite look right you could have taken the criticism and adapted with it. Instead you decided to be a spoiled little shit throwing a little titty tantrum and expressing continued incompetence on the subject. Sometimes it's better keep ones mouth shut and let folks assume that your a damned fool than open it and remove any doubt.

    criticism is one thing. insulting and swearing is another. by the way if I decide the magazine is right that way, since it's my weapon it IS right.

    Isn't design a great thing ;D

    Btw again: The only reason a not-curved magazine (don't know the exact english term in german it's "Trapezmagazin")
    has that slope is ergonomics not capacity. the bullets are stacked in a streight way.

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